When do companies drug test interns?


<p>I am currently applying for accounting internships (not Big 4 this year) and was curious about the drug testing procedures. I fully accept to be drug tested for any internship I may get, but was wondering about the timing of said drug test. I last smoked about a week ago and was wondering if I would be ok.</p>

<p>When in the interviewing process does the drug test usually occur? </p>

<p>Would they test me in the middle of my semester or would it occur after I'm out of school in May? </p>

<p>Thanks in advance for your help.</p>

<p>The only company I worked for that gave me a test had it my first day of work.</p>

<p>i was drug tested for a summer internship in January last year (or maybe it was Feb)… government though, not private sector.</p>

<p>This really depends on the company. Some companies like to pick a random day before your internship. Some test you at your internship. Some have a specific day they like to test.</p>

<p>Like I said, really depends on the company.</p>