When do ED1 decisions really come out?

I called admissions and they said “very soon… any day now…”

Will they come out Thursday (today), Friday, or later?

I heard tomorrow early evening

Where did you hear that?

I called

Did they tell you Thursday or Friday? Or did they specifically say Friday?

I believe it will be tomorrow around 6. Hopefully it’s tonight but I don’t think it will be.

What makes you think it may be tonight? And why 6 tomorrow?

I don’t think it will be tonight but many people have called admissions and admissions has told them they are trying to get the decisions out tomorrow early evening but nothing is guaranteed.

I’m really hoping it’s tomorrow! Still praying it’s today lol. Can’t wait any longer!! Let me know if you hear anything.

Hope it’s today!

What gives you hope that it might be today?? I wish!!!

Will EA decisions be released as well?

No, I believe those come out in January.