When do the fat envelopes arrive?

<p>Any guesses?</p>

<p>2.5-3 weeks</p>

<p>didn’t the status page say, in the next few days, official letters and materials will arrive? but it also probably depends on where you’re located.</p>

<p>S received his yesterday in Florida. Along with the Honors College invitation.</p>

That’s fast!</p>

<p>I’d think the closer you live to the school, the faster it arrives</p>

<p>Guess it just felt like 3 weeks :x lol nah now that i think about it, it was very soon after the online decision (and I lived in Miami)</p>

<p>Someone already got theirs? Jeez. I’m thinking we’ll see them within the next few days.</p>

<p>My S got his yesterday along with the Honors information…</p>

<p>Where in Florida are you guys?? I’m in St. Augustine/Jacksonville which is pretty close.</p>

<p>What are the stats for those of you who were invited to honors?</p>

<p>We live in Jacksonville. Stats were:GPA 4.0 uw; 4.7 w [don’t know what the UF GPA would be but lots of APs, honors, dual enrollment classes]; SAT 2110/2400</p>

<p>The honors invite says that a 2070/2400 (33) and a 4.0 UF gpa (whatever that is) are required to be invited to apply.</p>