When do we find out decision & chance I will get in

Hi, I applied EA from out of state! A family member went to UM. Here are my stats
32 ACT composite 3.89 weighted GPA (weird scale) most AP / Honors classes. 4 year varsity athlete all 3 seasons. Loads of extracurriculars (FBLA, Academic Team, Student Gov, Athletic Counsel, TV crew) some community service & a lot of leadership in academics and athletics. What do you think my admission chances are/ scholarships? & when do we find out

pleasseeeeee friends chance me!!!

I think you have a pretty good chance your stats are good and good ECs definitely depends on the applicant pool this year though. Good luck!

@guestavo which major?

biology, pre medicine. I also have a neuroscience partnership with a college right now that helps a bit.

@guestavo I think you have an excellent chance of being admitted. If the family member happens to be a parent or grandparent, then legacy status will give you an extra bump. Good luck!

@guestavo You will very likely get in for biology. As far as scholarships that’s a big guess.