when do you think we'll hear??

<p>waiting is killingggg me! i just want to know!!</p>

<p>I know, me too! Last year it seems like people found out at the end of February, but I'm dying to know right now...
Did their applicant pool increase this year?</p>


<p>I'm going to say that we will get letters either this Friday, Saturday or next Monday.</p>

<p>Last year people heard the Thursday before but due to the increase of applications, my estimate has pushed back a day :) </p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>I'm a transfer student and I also applied last semester (it was really late which is why i didnt get in)..I expect to hear about the same time as you, and I am also getting really nervous! I hope we hear thursday or friday! Good luck to all of you, and if your going, post it on here!</p>

<p>Oh man... Thursday is the earliest possible day??? That's insane, I really really really (emphasis on the really) want to get into Geneseo!
Let's hope Geneseo doesn't butcher us.</p>

<p>Not to be a stalker, but you have nothing to worry about Chandler. I am surprised you got deferred from Cornell EA. My buddy applied to the same school with way lower SATs, tad higher GPA and equal quality of ECs. He was accepted.</p>

<p>You have nothing to worry about.</p>

<p>Geneseo is my reach haha.</p>

<p>I've pretty much lost all confidence after being deferred by Cornell... so I'll be ecstatic if Geneseo accepts me (truly). </p>

<p>Let's hope Geneseo is generous and accepts both of us.</p>

<p>the time is approaching............ .................. let's hope we all get in....</p>

<p>ahhhh its thursday!</p>

<p>My buddy got his letter yesterday. He, however, is a minority so I think he is in some special program. Not EOP, but I think something for minorities.</p>

<p>My mom checked the mail today and there was no letter... so maybe tomorrow?
Im scared!
Good luck all.</p>

<p>I bet they already mailed them today, or will tomorrow because the office is not open over the weekend. That means most people in NY will get them tomorrow, Saturday or definitely Monday. I'm pretty sure of this because March 1st is a Sunday and a decision date means that a decision will be made AND mailed on or before that day. Well there is no mail on Sunday obviously and admissions offices aren't open on weekends. Good luck everyone.</p>

<p>Oh man... I'll be nervous when I check the mail tomorrow... no big envelope means you're rejected. Right away. When I checked my Cornell decision, it was online, so you couldn't know without actually checking it. With the whole mail system, you pretty much know your decision right when you see that envelope...</p>

<p>friend got in today btw, westchester too.</p>

<p>You will be fine Chandler. Relax bro.</p>

<p>miktau: Was your friend an athlete or something?</p>

<p>If not I might get mine tomorrow! That would be exciting. :)</p>

<p>It's my reach school, unfortunately it was one of the only colleges I really liked and want to get into badly. :(</p>

<p>Best of luck to everyone in this thread, I hope you guys find acceptances. As for me...no idea, doesn't look all that good for me. =/</p>

<p>good luck everyone... if you're like me you are nervous as hell.</p>

<p>^ Haha yes, it's 1:30 in the morning and I can't sleep.</p>