When does the semester start?

<p>I just got admitted<em>yeaaaaah</em>, but I was wondering when the winter semester starts and if there is going to be some kind of introduction weekend/week.
Does anybody know when you can move into the dorms? (Btw: Are there campus dorms/apartments where you don’t have to share a room…?:) )</p>


<p>Chicago is on a quarter system (summer, fall, winter, and spring), though it works out as a trimester system, mostly, since summer quarter is usually taken off by everyone just as it would be at another school. Fall quarter classes start something like September 28th or 29th, but all first-years have to attend a mandatory orientation week that starts the 21st, with a move-in day on the 20th, I guess.</p>

<p>In short: Chicago starts very late, but also doesn’t get out for the summer until mid-June. The quarter system means you take 3-4 classes a quarter, and each quarter lasts 11 weeks.</p>

<p>A quarter system?
Wow, now I’m a little bit concerned…
Do students move out of their dorms over the breaks?(Or do they even have to?)</p>

<p>And does anybody know anything about the dorms?(Heard that they’re great…)
But I’d really like to have a room for myself.;)</p>

<p>Sounds like you cut plenty of corners on your college research. Why don’t you go surf their website for awhile and find out some more about what you may be getting into?</p>

<p>There are lots of threads on dorms, with lots of positive comments. No, students do not move out of the dorms for breaks.</p>

<p>^ditto. the quarter system was one of the reasons I applied.</p>

<p>If you want a single, it’s easy to get one. Some dorms are mostly/all singles.</p>

<p>I agree with the above on the quarter system. It’s awesome. There’s plenty of information online about it. Read up :)</p>

<p>Yea. Ummm. You need to go to the UCicago site and read. And yea there are tons of ways to get singles. It’s not to hard.</p>