When I might possibly hear back?

<p>Well I’m a senior from New jersey who applied to Arizona a couple of weeks ago (Dec 17), and I was wondering when I’d possibly hear back from them. Here are my stats</p>

Minority (Hispanic)
From a competitive catholic high school in northern nj
3.8 unweighted gpa/ 4.1 weighted
Have honors courses (1 AP course)
25 ACT (thats my only weakness)
Tons of extra currics and volunteer work
Amazing essays and recs</p>

<p>I applied to the Honors program as well… based on my stats, when do you think I’ll hear back from them and do I have a shot of being admitted into the honors program?</p>

<p>It took my daughter about 6 weeks to hear back - but you may also want to call the admissions office and make sure they have all of your information - sometimes they will let you know over the phone.</p>