When is it too late for housing deposit?!

<p>if i do my housing deposit by april 1, will that guarentee me a good room if i am in honors??
or is that too late ) :</p>

<p>We were told by our local rep that the “Honors College typically reserves enough housing for all freshmen in Honors” but our son “won’t have ability to select suite mates” if he waited until 4/1.</p>

<p>We cannot guarantee that there will be availability in any specific kind of space at that time, so if having a certain option is important to you, then you should consider applying earlier to maximize your options. The later you wait, the less options that will be available. That being said, demand for certain options changes each year, so it’s really hard to predict exactly what the earlier students will be selecting and how quickly certain options will become unavailable.</p>

<p>Hope this helps,