Is there something like the time I send in the application until january the 1st that could hurt my chances?
Like for example:
the sooner I send it will go in the first batches to be reviewed in the beggining of january for RD so I would have better chances of being selected…
<p>Are there any drawbacks of sending them in much earlier? Also, say the deadline for ED was Nov. 1st, are you supposed to mail your application, etc. ON Nov. 1st or does it have to reach them by Nov. 1st? Thanks. (sorry if this is a simple question that's just wasting everyone's time :()</p>
<p>Postmarked November 1st is fine. Some people even send it in postmarked November 4th and if I remember correctly, the UPenn online application was available for a week over the application deadline.</p>
<p>I think most schools start reading applications after the postmark deadline, with the exception of those schools that have rolling admissions (a lot of state schools). For those schools with rolling admissions, it's best to apply earlier before they run out of financial aid funds.</p>
<p>Rolling admissions: you send your application in, they read it, make a decision and let you know. First come, first served. They don't wait for all apps to arrive before starting the decision process.</p>
<p>So, does it hurt you at all to send in your application very early, say, now? I mean, obviously I won't have the school report or rec's until august/sept, but would it hurt to send in the main app right now?</p>
<p>Your application will not be complete until all the parts have arrived at the adcom office. Your school counselor may be available now to write your rec have you tried contacting the office??</p>
<p>I'm sure sending it at different times has no effect on your application. Some schools like Cornell and Yale this year extended the deadline to encourage more ppl to apply.</p>
<p>Make sure you let your essays and stuff sit before you send everything off. You want to be able to look at them w/o that "Oh I love that line so I'm not changing it" kinda feel. You also might have something new to add to your EC list (ie elected president, who knows) or maybe you won a new award or scholarship contest. However, if this doesn't apply to you, I don't see why it would hurt to send it in early. I recall Harvard says on its website that they prefer applications to be sent in two weeks early (Oct 15 EA / Dec 15 RD)</p>
<p>How about if I will take the October SAT I and expect the adcom to look at my new score rather than the old ones which is such a nightmare?If they consider my June SAT,I will definitely be kicked out immediately.</p>
<p>Uh ,sending the application means :I will put comapp,supplementary,evaluation,....into one package and send ,rite ?Or can I send each part respectively ?And is it the same with the finaid form?</p>
<p>I wouldn't worry about the timeframe as most colleges (excluding those rolling) probably don't even consider the contents of the apps other than to file them until after the deadline. I know plently of people who sent in really early who got accepted, and plenty of people <em>cough cough like me</em> who postmarked the last day possible and got accepted. Just send it in when it's finished and you're confident about it. </p>
<p>Tip: I wouldn't suggest waiting for the last day because I had to pay about $13 in post for each application and that kinda sucked.</p>
<p>For colleges with rolling admissions, which make decisions as applications are received, you have an advantage the earlier you apply. Also, for some of those colleges, priority in getting your housing choice is done according to the date you are admitted. </p>
<p>For regular admission, where decisions are made after January, it matters not whether you apply on the first or last allowable date with one exception: a number of colleges have deadlines for applying that are ealier than the usal application deadline if you want to qualify for scholarships. </p>
<p>For colleges that usually have RD, but also offer EA or ED, it also matters not for EA or ED admission purposes whether you apply on the last ED or EA application date or earlier.</p>
<p>Someone mentioned above about just applying now: check your applications before doing so as many colleges (probably the majority) do not start taking applications until September or October and the only application you will find on their site now is the one for 2005 freshman and you need to wait for the 2006 app to appear. Otherwise, there are a number of rolling admission colleges that have already started to take apps.</p>