<p>I was wondering whats the latest i can apply because I want to send in my December sat scores? Also Chance?
Unweighted GPA-3.28
Weighted GPA-Maybe around 3.4</p>
Reasoning- 2200
SAT II- Math 2-700+ USH-700</p>
<p>Senior Year Courses
AP Physics
Spanish 3
English 12
AP Calc AB
AP Econ/Gov</p>
<p>Planning on Self Studying AP Stats</p>
<p>Expecting a 3.8-4.0 this year, junior year i only took two Aps and got a 3.5 and second semester 3.5 cause Apush teacher screwed me over with a C, the reason my GPA is so low is cause Fresh/Soph year there was serious illness in my family and it was terrible my sophmore year second semester because I ended up injuring myself and needed surgery and there was no one to look after my sick parents (One who had brain surgery and the other with Thyroid Cancer), so my school grades dropped because of that, I am on a huge Upward Trend ending with hopefully a 3.8 or 4.0 Senior year.</p>
Computer Science Club
Speech and Debate Club
Track Team
French Club
Computers/Robotics Club
Part of a group at my Seminar
Have done something I find important to my life for almost 8 years
I have a beginners knowledge in coding languages (Java, C etc)
I also do Stocks
Tutor Kids in Math/SAT
200 Hours of Volunteering
Do Intense Cardio Training as Sport</p>
<p>Hope to have an excellent teachers rec and other good rec</p>
<h2>Applying to </h2>
<p>Texas A&M
University of Michigan Ann arbor
Boston University
Penn State
University of Illinois
Georgia Tech
UC Davis
University of Wisconsin
University of Minesota
CU boulder
One Total Reach</p>
<p>From California
Parents income 100k+
One of my parents went to a college I listed above if that helps (BU)</p>
Will Apply to ED II at NYU</p>