When will RD admissions be released?

<p>Any word on this yet from the admissions office? Last year the decisions were sent out postal mail on Fri March 13.</p>

<p>I applied Regular Decision as well! Anxiously waiting… ! :)</p>

<p>OK–this is an educated guess. It seems that the Friday date for mailing out RD last year was the Friday after the end of Block 6 and the beginning of Spring Break. I seem to recall that has been the timing in 2007 (the year of my S’s admission) and for each year since.</p>

<p>Block 6 ended yesterday and this Friday (tomorrow) is the Friday of the beginning of Spring Break. I imagine the RD go out tomorrow. GO LUCK TO ALL.</p>

<p>Thanks 07DAD!
Everybody: Let’s post our results when we hear and include where we are from. (stats too if you want - this really helps those who follow) I have a feeling that out here in CA it may be awhile…sure wish CC would post decisions online.
Good Luck!</p>

<p>wow that’s exciting!! can’t wait to hear! And yes, we should all try to post for sure!</p>

<p>Just got mine in the mail today–Friday! I was accepted!</p>

<p>ready4college123-- where do you live and were you RD? I’m in CA and I applied RD. Oh crap I’m nervous!</p>

I’m really hoping to get one too…
btw, does anyone know whether CC sends out the decision notification by email?
I’m an int’l applicant living in Malaysia, so I’m afraid it’d take forever to find out about the decision if they don’t…</p>

<p>I think I have a fairly good chance of getting in, except that I virtually asked for full scholarship…</p>

<p>ready4college123, congratulations!
Would you like to share a little information about yourself (stats, interests, why you applied to CC)?</p>

<p>That early? Wow. It’s not even the 15th as yet. Congratulations to all accepted!</p>

<p>Any idea whether international students’ decisions are posted at the same time and whether internationals get decisions by email?</p>

<p>@Ready4college123 … ME TOO!!! Are you planning on the admit weekend?</p>

<p>Well, seeing as I live in Colorado, it’s not surprising that I am one of the first ones to receive the letter. </p>

<p>Stats: 3.9 GPA, 4.22 WGPA
33 ACT, 2150 SAT
Varsity basketball player
LOTS of community service
Held many jobs (during school year and summer)
Tutored for a year
Pres. of Spanish club
Lots of foreign student exchange</p>

<p>Yes I am planning on going to the admitted students weekend!!! Very excited!</p>

<p>Nice Job Ready and Whoa! Can you tell us if your acceptance came in a large packet or just a letter sized envelope?</p>

<p>Congrats ready and whoaness!! I am anxiously waiting… I live in Minnesota… it shouldn’t take too long to get here, I don’t think. I’m hoping tomorrow.</p>

<p>Me too! good luck :)</p>

<p>lastdance - the acceptance letters come in a large envelope (11x13?). Good luck!</p>

<p>Oh man! This is so exciting! Even if the decision isn’t in my favor, it will be nice to finally put an end to the waiting game. But I’m hoping everyone on here gets a big envelope. :slight_smile: Hopefully today’s the day!</p>

<p>lets start a thread for decisions</p>

<p>Pick one:
[ size=+2][ color=green][ b]Decision: Accepted[ /b][ /color][ /size]
[ size=+2][ color=orange][ b]Decision: Waitlisted[ /b][ /color][ /size]
[ size=+2][ color=red][ b]Decision: Rejected[ /b][ /color][ /size]</p>

<p>[ b]Objective:[ /b][ list]
[ *] SAT I (breakdown):
[ *] ACT:
[ *] SAT II (if submitted):
[ *] Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0):
[ *] Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable):
[ *] AP (place score in parenthesis):
[ *] IB (place score in parenthesis):
[ *] Senior Year Course Load:
[ *] Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.):
[ /list][ b]Subjective:[ /b][ list]
[ *] Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis):
[ *] Job/Work Experience:
[ *] Volunteer/Community service:
[ *] Essays:
[ *] Teacher Recommendation:
[ *] Counselor Rec:
[ *] Additional Rec:
[ *] Interview:
[ /list][ b]Other[ /b][ list]
[ *] Applied for Financial Aid?:
[ *] Intended Major:
[ *] State (if domestic applicant):
[ *] Country (if international applicant):
[ *] School Type:
[ *] Ethnicity:
[ *] Gender:
[ *] Income Bracket:
[ *] Hooks (URM, first generation college, research, etc.):
[ /list][ b]Reflection[ /b][ list]
[ *] Strengths:
[ *] Weaknesses:
[ *] Why you think you were accepted/waitlisted/rejected:
[ /list][ b]General Comments:[ /b] Good Luck!!</p>

<p>Pick one:
[ size=+2][ color=green][ b]Decision: Accepted[ /b][ /color][ /size]</p>

<p>[ b]Objective:[ /b][ list]
[ *] SAT I (breakdown): 700 M 630 W 570 CR (1900)
[ *] ACT: N/A
[ *] SAT II (if submitted): N/A
[ *] Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.1 UW 3.4 W
[ *] Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): N/A
[ *] AP (place score in parenthesis): 4 APs, no test taken yet
[ *] IB (place score in parenthesis): N/A
[ *] Senior Year Course Load: AP physics b, ap calculus bc, ap macroeconomics, ap statistics, english 4, catholic social justice, ceramics
[ *] Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): N/A
[ /list][ b]Subjective:[ /b][ list]
[ *] Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): too many
[ *] Job/Work Experience: assistant to ophthalmologist for 3 years, document manager for 1 year (simultaneously with ophthalmologist job) - 25 hrs/wk
[ *] Volunteer/Community service: over 200 hrs.
[ *] Essays: great… published in my cities largest newspaper (i live in one of the biggest cities)
[ *] Teacher Recommendation: excellent
[ *] Counselor Rec: I dont know
[ *] Additional Rec: a great recommendation from the doctor I work for.
[ *] Interview: yes with a current student at cc
[ /list][ b]Other[ /b][ list]
[ *] Applied for Financial Aid?: no
[ *] Intended Major: economics or biology
[ *] State (if domestic applicant): california
[ *] Country (if international applicant):
[ *] School Type: catholic
[ *] Ethnicity: middle eastern
[ *] Gender: male
[ *] Income Bracket:
[ *] Hooks (URM, first generation college, research, etc.): research with ophthalmologist
[ /list][ b]Reflection[ /b][ list]
[ *] Strengths: work experience, essay, recommendations, ethnicity, extremely upward trend in grades (from as low as a 2.7 in freshman year to a 4.7 in senior year).
[ *] Weaknesses: grades, SAT’s
[ *] Why you think you were accepted/waitlisted/rejected: because of my essay and work experience… and upward grade trend.
[ /list][ b]General Comments:[ /b] Good Luck!!
I haven’t been this happy in a while!!! CC is such a good school and i hope anyone else still waiting on a decision gets accepted. GOOD LUCK!!!</p>

<p>I hate to end the streak on this thread. :(</p>

<p>Decision: Waitlisted</p>


<p>[<em>] ACT: 31
[</em>] Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.91
[<em>] Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): 5% (13/350ish)
[</em>] AP (place score in parenthesis): completed and currently enrolled in 8 classes. 5 Bio, 5 Calc AB, 4 Chem, 3 US History</p>

[<em>] Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): band, jazz band, youth in govt, pit orchestra, All State band
[</em>] Volunteer/Community service: volunteer at assisted living center and library
[<em>] Essays: ?
[</em>] Teacher Recommendation: ?
[<em>] Counselor Rec: ?
[</em>] Interview: none </p>

[<em>] Applied for Financial Aid?: no
[</em>] Intended Major: TBA
[<em>] State (if domestic applicant): MN
[</em>] School Type: public
[<em>] Ethnicity: white
[</em>] Gender: M
[li] Hooks (URM, first generation college, research, etc.): none[/li][/ul]Reflection
Strengths: gpa, classes taken, class rank</p>

<p>Weaknesses: essays, extra curriculars</p>

<p>Why you think you were accepted/waitlisted/rejected: I think it came down to my essays/teacher recs. I never got a chance to read either of my two recs. I knew my essays weren’t my strong point, but I honestly am a bit surprised. It probably also came down to their thinking I have no interest (no visit/interview, RD instead of EA) but that wasn’t the case.</p>