When you take a study break, how long do you take it for?

<p>I usually do 1 hour of straight studying and then take 15 minute break. I feel the 15 minute break is too much. What do you think? How long do you take your break. </p>

<p>Also, how long do you study for before taking a break?</p>

<p>not take a break until I’m done… lol “a break”</p>

<p>I typically set an alarm for 50 minutes to study, then break for bathroom, water, food, etc for the remaining 10.</p>

<p>I usually plan to take about 10-15 minute breaks every hour or so, but in practice I’ve found I tend to get pretty absorbed into it and not actually take them unless I happen to come to a “natural” stopping point at that time. Then once I come to a stopping point I take around 10-15 minutes for snacks, water, bathroom, possibly a quick conversation with a roommate depending on circumstances…then get back to studying. I just repeat that until I get everything I need to get done finished.</p>

<p>10 minute break for like 40-60 minutes study. Or random breaks if I’m hungry, thirsty, need to use the restroom, or even getting bored. I find it easier this way because I’ll go brain dead if I continue to study longer then 60 minutes straight. I also find it better in the sense that my mind work to recapture the material after an extensive break.</p>

<p>I study straight for an hour to two hours and take twenty minutes to half an hour. </p>

<p>I don’t do 10 minutes breaks. It does not allow me enough time to really take a break and focus on something other than my study material.</p>

<p>I map out what I will do for each half hour when I have a lot to do. If I finish early, I give myself an extra break… This accountability seems OCD, but I finish faster and can relax!</p>

<p>I typically do around 20-30 minutes of studying with 5-10-minute breaks.</p>

<p>I don’t necessarily ‘time’ my studying. Over the weekend, I’ll basically just create a rough list of what I know I need to get done, and I’ll divide it roughly evenly between Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I don’t really do an hour-on, 10 minutes-off kind of schedule though. I usually just focus on one subject that I need to work on, and just go until I’m done. If it’s an excessively long project to complete in one sitting though, I’ll usually divide it up between a couple days. I usually just take breaks at natural stopping points. If I’m working through a problem set for Calculus or Physics, I’ll just work until I’m done with a given section or type of problem or whatever, then take a break for half an hour or so. Sometimes more, sometimes less.</p>

<p>If I’m doing reading for Anthropology, sometimes I’ll end up reading for like 4 hours straight, with only a couple 5 minute breaks here and there to use the bathroom and get a drink of water.</p>

<p>I take a 3 minute break on snacks then go back to studying. I also take 2 minutes break on a bathroom.</p>

<p>I study and study until I memorize all of my notes and it takes 3-4 hours for me to finish it all.</p>