<p>I am having trouble deciding between Old Dominion University and UPenn (yes I know that they are polar opposites). At Old Dominion I will be able to maintain an extremely good gpa but their average MCAT score is 29. At UPenn my gpa will still be competitive but not as high as if I went to ODU. The average MCAT score is 37.
I just don't know where I am better off. I think I could improve my mcat from the average at ODU. I want to get in a some what competitive med school.</p>
<p>You’re putting your cart before the horse. UPenn will be a reach for anyone. Apply to both and decide once you’ve been accepted. Keep undergrad costs down.</p>
<p>The avg MCAT at a school has nothing to do with what the school is teaching. It has to do with the type of students. A student who’d get a 38 MCAT after attending UPenn, would still get a 38 MCAT if he went to ODU</p>
<p>All med schools are competitive…all are excellent. All are hard to get into.</p>
<p>If you decide you don’t want to be a doctor, would you be happy at ODU?</p>
<p>I think you ought to wait until you get into Penn before you worry about which to attend ;)</p>
<p>I am trying to sort out which to do early decision for
I am not one to wait I like to have a plan.</p>
<p>If you have a reasonable chance at UPenn, you don’t need to ED to ODU</p>
<p>Is cost a factor? Which would cost more for you?</p>
<p>I would going to ODU for almost nothing.
UPenn will offer some financial aid but not as much as ODU</p>
<p>Apply ED to Penn if your family can afford to pay their EFC. Apply to ODu’s scholarship program (NOT ED) and withdraw if you get into Penn ED. Simple. :)</p>
<p>Where else are you applying? There are other schools besides ODU that would give you lots of merit.</p>
<p>Im applying to william and mary as well as university of richmond
Odu and Upenn are my top choices</p>