Where are your nursing majors applying to?

<p>My dd likes big cities!!!</p>

<p>She has an unweighted GPA of 3.9 and SAT score 1800 (retaking soon).</p>

<p>Looking at theses colleges:</p>

<p>University of San Francisco
George Washington University
Seattle University
Texas Christian U
University of Portland
Seattle Pacific
UCLA (won't get in)
Cal State Chico (we live in CA).</p>

<p>What schools are your rising nursing majors applying to?</p>

<p>You might get more replies on the Nursing Majors forum.</p>

<p>thank you!!!</p>

<p>My niece went to Bloomington- Indiana.
If she is interested in Seattle, I would look at UW over Seattle Pacific or Seattle U for nursing.</p>

<p>Yes…UW is great. However, private schools tend to offer more financial aid…UW is on the list but it would cost us the full amount</p>

<p>Though not in a “big city,” mine chose Saint Marys ND for its NCLEx pass rate -100%- plus its great scholarship $$. With ND across the street and curriculum sharing agmt, its a perfect fit. I’ve read Case Western also has a fantastic direct entry program. Lastly, my DS attends Chico and is doing fantastic there, great business program and well known - albeit impacted nursing school, but be warned its in a tiny ag town, be sure to visit first.</p>

<p>What is considered an average NCLEX pass rate?</p>

<p>Average varies quite a bit. I would say anything over 85% is good, but when you get to 95% and above you want to start asking some questions. Some schools will require students to pass a test even harder than the NCLEX before they’re allowed to graduate. Meanwhile, they have to keep paying tuition to retain their student status to try the test again - it’s a weeding out at the last possible minute that keeps the school’s pass rate look really high. Some just have excellent pass rates without that sort of trickery.</p>

<p>Of course, if the pass rate is really low, you want to ask other questions (or just not apply). In my state (MD) anything below 77% and the school is put on probation. For 2008 - 2009 Maryland’s average was 89.74% and the US average was 85.51%</p>

<p>If she’s really interested in nursing, she should definitely NOT choose the University of Washington. It’s a great program, and a great school, but very very few who start as freshmen intending to major in nursing are accepted into the program. </p>

<p>Much better to choose one of the schools on your list where you apply to the college as a nursing major, and unless you really can’t cut it in the prerequisites, are assured of continuing in the program.</p>

<p>Thanks greenwitch…very helpful!</p>

<p>Your comments regarding a pass rate>95%. It reminds of schools boasting fabulous acceptance rates to professional schools. What they don’t discuss is how they dissuade so many aspiring students from applying.</p>

<p>I agree with AmicaMom-apply to schools that are direct-admit into nursing. Too many young people I know start at one of our flagship school and don’t get accepted into the program. Satellite campuses and directional schools are often a great place to look. </p>

<p>I don’t know how many direct admits are in CA but in addition to NCLEX pass scores, I would look at the hospital affiliations and where graduates are employed.</p>

<p>Hello, All!</p>

<p>I am going to search for the Nursing Major Program discussion, but I found this so I thought I’d answer the question…My D is going to apply for nursing to:</p>

U Connecticut
U Delaware

<p>Applying to Rochester Institute of Tech (RIT) for the Physician’s Assistant program, but so competitive so not sure. She has a chance though. If she doesnt get in, she is excited about getting her RN and will move into nurse practitioner at some point.</p>

<p>Checking out Rutgers U. </p>

<p>Checked out College of NJ, Stockton, Boston College but she did not like them. Wish she liked the NJ schools b/c that is in-state for us. Sigh :slight_smile: Wont check out William Paterson (although I hear great school). Considered Stony Brook, but the drive is a nightmare. Keeping local community college as an option for costs sake (1 of 4 children!), but she really wants the college experience, and I am fine with that.</p>

<p>I think that’s about it! I’ll prob post this at the Nursing Major forum as well if I find it.</p>

<p>PS–My D stats: </p>

<p>SAT 1960 (btw mamamoes…she took 3 times, and consistently went up 100 pts, so good for your daughter retaking!)</p>

<p>ACT: 29
GPA: 3.81 weighted (one lousy bad grade in math in Soph year! UGH!0
Shadowing doctor in 2 weeks. shadowed PT and chiro.</p>