<p>Schedule #1
AP Art History
Adv. Physics
AP English Lang
AP Studio Art Drawing
AP US History
Adv. Chemistry
Adv. Pre-Calculus (Dual Enrollment)</p>
AP English Lit
AP Studio 3D
AP Calculus
AP Physics
AP Chem
Teacher Aid for Art
AP European History</p>
<p>Schedule #2
AP US History
AP English Lang
AP Studio Art Drawing
Algebra 3 with Trig
Adv. Chem
Spanish 3</p>
AP English Lit
AP Gov
AP Stats OR College Algebra (Dual Enrollment)
AP Spanish
Bio 2 </p>
<p>What are the good and bad parts of each schedule? Who could be admitted to top colleges?</p>
<p>Come on. It’s not just the schedule, as you well know. Are you asking if calculus and physics is better than Ceramics and Yearbook (that’s a subject?) I guess so.</p>
<p>It obviously depends on the grades in the schedule, test scores, and extracurriculars. That schedule is good enough for any ivy league, stanford, or even MIT/caltech [although the 1st schedule is not very advanced in math, while the 2nd student is strong in math; the lack of AP science is not good] if the rest of the app is strong. If the student has this schedule but does nothing outside of school, they could be rejected at most or all top 50 or even top 100 schools.</p>
<p>bobtheboy… can you rephrase or clarify what you are saying about each schedule?</p>
<p>What is Algebra 3 and what is college algebra? Does that mean algebra at a local college? Why no Calculus?</p>
<p>Algebra 3 with Trig is more advanced algebra with Trig topics but no Calculus. At our school after taking Adv. Algebra 2 you pick between Algebra 3 or Adv. Pre Calc. </p>
<p>College Algebra is also a class at my school but college credit it earned for a College Algebra unit. The credit is recieved from our local CC.</p>