<p>Hey whats up - I'm an incoming visiting student from Cal-Tech. I don't
know about NYC's campuses, but I heard there were frequent joggers who get
<p>I like to go running at 5-7am, or around 9-10pm. Is that too dark out/are
there sketchy people walking around?</p>
<p>For cardio… um, go to the gym and use the treadmill, elliptical, bike, indoor track, etc.</p>
<p>Half the time you’ll be there it’s too cold to run outside. Central Park isn’t that far away, and running in the park is pretty nice. Though it’s only good on the weekends because of the traffic.</p>
<p>Like Columbia2002 said, most New Yorkers run in Central Park. I’d say running around 5-7 a.m. is your best bet, as people tend to get foolish in the evening and it might not be pleasant for you to smell the liquor on them after running. </p>
<p>One of my favorite spots to run in the park was the reservoir, which extended a few miles around a pretty nice lake and is surrounded by trees. It’s a soft asphalt course where animals/bicycles/other nuisances to a runner aren’t allowed.</p>
<p>Your mileage may vary, but the weather tends to stay above 50 between March and November, which I don’t find terrible for running. Once it gets to be below 40, I’d exhaust my New York Sports Clubs membership, though I believe there’s also a gym on campus.</p>
<p>Though I personally agree with C2002 - it’s too cold for running outside - some people seem to manage it anyway. Still, those really aren’t the opportune times to go running in the nearby parks, because yeah they’re kinda sketchy in the dark. </p>
<p>I run at the gym. If you want to run in the dark, I suppose you could always run around campus, though that’s not a great distance. Central would also be fine in the morning.</p>
<p>I find the reservoir boring, and think doing the big loop is more fun. Though you are right that the asphalt is way more comfortable, and the annoying bikers aren’t ready to trample you.</p>
<p>I agree, and while I’d normally keep away from running in circles, I’ve had a few too many near-death experiences with cyclists on the loop to continue down that path in good sense. :)</p>
<p>Actually, the cyclists aren’t the worst. What is truly the most dangerous is on the west side at the crossway maybe at 72nd – when a cadre of fat tourists will begin to waddle across right as you’re at the point where they are.</p>
<p>I should add that the whole “joggers getting mugged in the park” theme is a relic of the 70s. Central Park is now one of the safest places in the city. At night, even in winter, it is literally crawling with cops.</p>
<p>Riverside Park, too, is safe during the evening, although late night it gets a little more dangerous. The only place I really wouldn’t spend much time in after dark is morningside park - you’re fine just crossing it if you’re going to/from harlem, but it’s sketchier than the rest.</p>
<p>But the point here is, if you want to go running after dark, well first of all use a buddy system, but secondly it’s quite possible to do so safely.</p>
<p>Yes I agree with C2002 as well. I don’t see how or why anyone would want to jog around while it’s cold and snowing. Walking around in downtown while it’s snowing =fun. Jogging around in Central park while it’s snowing =windburn, too many clothes to hold you down, and overall less of a will to WANT to do it. I’d just run on a treadmill.</p>
<p>Now spring summer and fall is a whole different story. It’s so pretty to run around in central park in the fall, and spring and summer is not too shabby either!! I would run around at 9-10 simply because I’m more of a night person, and 9 really isn’t THAT late! you’d be safer running around at 9 because people are still out. Heck, you’d be more likely to get mugged at 5 in the morning than at 9 PM! And New York isn’t THAT bad. I can see why everyone who sees it from the outside thinks of New York as a wild place where 80% of people get mugged, but it’s not like that at all. I don’t know anyone who’s ever been mugged here actually.</p>
<p>There is a mini gym on the 16th floor of east campus and sometimes I run there. The treadmills look over the hudson and the ellipticals look downtown. It’s pretty nice, but very small. You can also run in Riverside park, which is where I normally run when its light outside. The problem with Dodge is that its underground and not a nice view and you have to sign up in advance for the machines. Its pretty obnoxious.</p>
<p>^haha, i’ve probably seen you there then. there’s also one on ec8 with a much worse view, though this is probably only convenient for ec/wien residents.</p>
<p>they’re open 24/7 though, which is a nice plus over dodge.</p>