which grad school??????

<p>Hello..I got a 1400 in my GRE. I am an electronics and communication engineer from Visvesvaraya Technological University (India).I have a percentag of 79 in my undergraduate studies.
I have some research experience.I worked in the National Institute Of oceanography where I completed a dissertation in my second year..I worked in the Indian Institute of Sciences during summer in my third year and was able to come out with a paper. I did my final year project in the defence research and development organisation..I also did my final year summer research there....I have written 5 papers...I have 6 publications.....I have won the best outgoing student award from my college....I am quite good at programming....I have conducted 2 seminars in my college....I have attended quite a few seminars...workshops etc.....
I have submitted one of my projects for a patent( not patented yet)
I love computer programming...and have written a few free wares (few are available in mozilla.com)
I have a brown belt in karate...and have been to quite a few tournaments..( I have never won lol)..I am also one of the editors of my college magazine....
I am also a student member of IEEE...</p>

<p>What grad schools should i try for???
I am interested in communication (all my research papers are based on communication except one which is for VLSI)
I will be needing financial assistance....
rite now i am working as an RA in the indian institute of sciences..</p>

<p>PLS GUYS>>>>I am waiting for a reply…</p>

<p>Well, I think you should start by doing some research of your own! Visit program Web sites and figure out which are strongest in your areas of interest. Then start contacting professors and find out who’s taking students.</p>

<p>If you’re looking to start in Fall 2011, you really need to get moving. Deadlines are coming up fast, are usually earlier for international students and I’m guessing some have already passed.</p>

<p>Asking “which grad school?” is sort of like asking “which beer?” There’s a lot of choices - and different choices are best for different people.</p>