Where do out of state sorority girls stay during rush in August?

<p>I know that girls in a sorority have to return to campus some time in the first week of August to prepare for rush. My question is, where do they live? Can they stay in the dorms and pay for it? Staying in a hotel would be difficult and impossible without a car. If you had a car, where would you park on campus during rush? Most apartments don’t allow students to move in until Aug 16 so that is not an option either.</p>

<p>From what I understand, students who are participating in rush, Alabama action, or outdoor action move into their dorms a week or so early in order to participate in these activities. </p>

<p>Yes, move in begins early Friday 8/8 (perhaps even late Thursday 8/7 for some) before Recruitment officially begins on Friday evening. </p>

<p>Yes, on-campus students move in early. I don’t think there is an extra charge for that.</p>

<p>"Most apartments don’t allow students to move in until Aug 16 "</p>

<p>I don’t know if “most” is true. I know that my son move into The Retreat on Aug 1st, so some may have different dates.</p>

<p>are you talking about freshmen going through recruitment, or sorority girls in subsequent years?</p>

<p>sorority girls have to be there about a week before recruitment.</p>

<p>MikeW…Where do the sorority girls stay when they have to be on campus the week before Rush? Do they bunk at their Houses?</p>

<p>i think they try to get their leases to accommodate them if they can. if not, they just bunk wherever they can. however, they can’t all bunk at their houses! there are 60ish beds at my daughters house … no room for an extra 150ish people. :)</p>

<p>last summer, my daughter was on a committee that meant she didn’t have to be there as early as the rest of her sorority, so we moved her in on move-in day and then left for a beach vacation. someone slept in her bed while she was gone.</p>

<p>the logistics for move in is a hassle for everyone. for example, my daughter (at another school) had to move out of her apartment on one date but couldn’t move in to her other apartment until two weeks later … well, isn’t that handy???</p>

<p>my daughter has lived in the sorority house both years that she had to be there before recruitment, so we haven’t had to deal with this directly. i would suggest leasing a place that allows one to me moved in by the date you need to be there. if (for example) east edge doesn’t allow move in until a week or two after you need to be there, ask if they can accommodate your schedule. if not, move on.</p>

<p>Thanks for all your responses. East Edge doesn’t permit it because they had a bad experience last year with people saying they would take the apartment “as is” since there was no time to fix them up after the previous tenant moved out. People didn’t want to stick to the “as is” deal once they saw the conditions of the apt. So the apartment is a no go, I called the housing office and that’s a no go, I guess my only recouse is a hotel. But then they need to have a car which is another issue. </p>

<p>My D will be moving into East Edge Aug 16 but has to be there early for rush. She has already made plans to stay at a friends apt when she goes back early. We will have her stuff in storage and then I’ll be there on the 15th to get her moved in. </p>

<p>For freshmen that are going to be going thru rush, they are allowed to move into their dorm before rush starts. Not sure about upperclassmen that are going to be in a dorm for their 2nd year if they allow them to move in early. I would think they would. </p>

<p>several girls could share a hotel room as long as one of them has a car.</p>

<p>most kids probably just crash with friends for the week.</p>