<p>My Daughter got into: Goucher, George mason, Towson, Randolph Macon, Nazareth, and St. John Fisher with similair profile!</p>
<p>I agree with some of the other posters - 2100 is far from average - the 3.0 is closer to average than the test scores.</p>
<p>Granted the average kid will more than likely not go to HYP, but there are many options avaliable. It's not always the name of the college, but the match. Indiana University bloomington is a great college (#1 large public college as rated in an informal report by US news).</p>
<p>Hmm. I was a terrible high school student and I went to GW before transferring to Tulane.</p>
<p>That U.S. news ranking A+ colleges for B students is bull ****, i saw colleges there that are impossible to get in with a B average such as Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, average gpa is around 3.8 i believe with sats in the 1200's/1600. They really need to research before they publish their information.</p>
<p>Hahaha . . . </p>
<p>CC really skews a students perception of academic reality. 3.0 is shamefully low for a CCer, and a 2100 makes some kids here laugh but . . . </p>
<p>3.0 is above average in GPA, and 2100 is WAY above average in SAT. There are plenty of good colleges/state schools a 3.0/2100 kid can go to, it's just that the guys here (me included) are either</p>
<p>A) Really smart
B) Overachievers
C) Both</p>
<p>I'd say the average GPA for CC stat posters from what I've seen ranges from 3.7-3.9, SATs from 2100-2250. I may be wrong, but that's what I estimate.</p>
<p>My son is going to Penn with a 2040 (1410 equiv.). That is solidly in the range for Penn, Cornell and many other "highly selective" schools.<br>
There are many kids, even here on CC, with SATs in the 1200-1300s old scale. They just don't advertise the scores in the face of everyone moaning about getting a 740 or something on a section.</p>
<p>There are about 3400 four-year colleges in the US. I would look at Princeton Review's "The Best 361 Colleges" to look up possibilities. Use the USNWR rankings to get names of colleges. The 50% SAT ranges (math + verbal only) will give you some idea of your chances, but be on the conservative side because of your gpa. </p>
<p>There is a tendency to go to colleges closer to home for students not accepted to the most competitive colleges.</p>
<p>On the SAT, the math + verbal is more important than the math + verbal + writing. If you are a hooked applicant (URM, legacy, athlete), then that might help you. URM's with high SAT's are particularly in shorter supply.</p>
<p>If you are an unhooked applicant, be careful about advice that you can go to a super elite college with your stats. There are people accepted to HYP with SAT's in the 1200's, but there is always a reason. The 50% SAT Range at HYP is 1400-1580. True, this means that 25% of accepted applicants scored below a 1400, but it also means that one out of every four students walking around HYP got either a 1590 or 1600. A unhooked applicant at HYP needs to have a 1480 or 1500 in order to be competitive even before they consider EC's and so forth. Nearly everyone accepted below that level is "special" in some way. (It also helps if your Math and Verbal scores are lopsided. It is better to have 800/600 than 700/700 particularly if applying in science or engineering.) If you really want to be depressed, read "Admissions Confidential" by Toor who was an adcom at Duke for three years.</p>
<p>This is not going to sound very nice but...
I went to a second-tier, state school in Texas and was not a very good student in high school... I guess because of that, I always kind of enjoy it when I have a kid who went to Harvard or Princeton bring me a cup of coffee.... :)
4.0's and 2200 SAT's aren't everything. Fortunately there is still room in the world for us "average" folks to succeed.</p>
<p>Average SAT composite is probably more like a 1500 (new test).</p>
<p>For these typical kids, large state schools welcome them with open doors. For example. In PA:</p>
<p>A kid with a 3.0 GPA and a 1500 SAT would apply to Temple, Penn State-University Park and Pittsburgh (as a reach), one of the Penn State branch campuses (as a desperate safety), and maybe Indiana or West Chester Universities of Pennsylvania as safeties.</p>
<p>you people are messed up, average is 2.5, 1500, no ap's. And most of the people like this that I know go to state schools, community college, or smaller private schools.</p>
<p>I'm about average (I have a 3.32 GPA, I've taken 3 APs, my tests score are act-24engl, 24math, 21sci, 22cr, and 12/12 on writing, I got around 1800 on the Sat and I don't have too many ecs) and I applied to Hope College, Bowling Green, Loyola MD, Michigan state, and wayne state(safety). I'm going to BG.</p>
<p>State Schools.</p>
<p>LOL, according to wikipedia a 2100 is 98th percentile. definitely not average.</p>
<p>yea a 2100 on the sat is definitely not an average.
you do understand that a 2100 is equivallent to getting 700s on all sections and thats really high. i dont know what average you're looking at....</p>
<p>"dude, 2100 is not average. average is actually around 1500 out of 2400. 3.0 is above average too! and most "average" kids don't even take any honors or ap courses? what kind of "average" are you talking about? lol because those aren't average stats"</p>
<p>no kidding. at my school the kid with those stats you gave would get into Michigan State or maybe if they applied early even Michigan. Or they could go to a number of LACs.</p>
<p>2110 is what I got and didnt bother retaking,....I got Rice, Tufts, Miami(OH), CMu and JHU (wl) and UofC (wl)</p>
<p><a href="http://www.collegesofdistinction.com/%5B/url%5D">http://www.collegesofdistinction.com/</a></p>
<p>With 2110 I got into Emory, CMU, Lehigh, BU, among others, and didn't have a real hook.</p>