<p>Can anyone tell me if I have these stats when I graduate highschool what normal 4 year school can I get into? (Any in Washington, Oregon or California?)</p>
<p>3.0 gpa (all highschool requirements met)
95hrs community service
1900 PSAT
2100 SAT
23 ACT</p>
<p>You should look at Western Washington, verrrry pretty, kind of hippie-ish - not for everyone - but i like it! If you're into that kind of thing you should look it up. You have GREAT sat scores, decent GPA, pretty good CS, I don't see why you shouldn't look at a school like University of Washington (Seattle) either. I'm not really familiar with the Oregon states ... but depending on if you are a CA resident you should consider some UC schools like UC Santa Cruz or UC Riverside.</p>
<p>out of curiosity, how did you get such a big discrepancy between your SAT and ACT scores? doesn't a 2100 SAT correlate to around a 32 ACT?</p>
<p>2100 SAT is pretty good, you can't get a 1900 on the PSAT..do you mean 190, and your GPA is kinda low and doesn't really make sense with what your SAT score is</p>
<p>You guys are acting stupid. Of course he meant 190. ANd just because you have a high SAT score doesn't mean you should have a 4.66098!! SAT AND GPA ARE NOT THE SAME! And SAT and ACT are different! Duh! Otherwise they would be saying stuff like "Females and Black people score higher on the ACT".</p>
<p>gawd, someone needs a chill pill :D</p>
<p>Well, some CCers ideology is just annoying. I can't help it. I mean, even the SAT thing. The Valedictorian making a low SAT score is not uncommon and there's a reason for it, too.</p>