Where does church involvement fit?

We all know that colleges highly value extracurricular activities and community service. I have plenty of high-quality extracurriculars, but I don’t have any community service stats to put down despite my high involvement in church. Although this may seem extreme, I spend 15+ hours a week at church and church related activities which include choir practice, orchestra practice, youth group activities, yearly Neighborhood Bible Time involvement, as well as attending the three weekly services and occasionally the daily ones if there is an evangelist. Positions I’ve held are assistant choir director, congregational pianist, and choir pianist.

I have volunteered for all of these activities, and, through the course of high school, have invested over 3000 hours in this church. Can I include these activities under community service? They have preempted many other activities in which I might have participated, but should this dedication be at the expense of my applications?

<p>I suggest putting it down under ECs. Colleges want to see students who are active in their school and/or community. One doesn't have to do community service, just show dedication to some activities that indicate that you're not a hermit. Many colleges, including top ones with no religious affliation, would be very impressed by a student who's highly dedicated to any religious denomination particularly.</p>