<p>If it helps, I took a political science class at Penn and loved it...however, it wasn't filled with political science majors. All the students were bright and excellent debaters and orators, but most were Chemistry or Business or Math or Econ majors taking the class for enlightenment, requirements, and fun. It gave new perspectives though, so may be good.</p>
<p>la la i applied to wharton ED and was deferred. i didn't do any of those crazy deferral reversal (hehe that rhymes!) techniques so i'm really just waiting for my rejection, no false modesty there at all. :)</p>
<p>i got into ucla as a regents scholar, and ucsd. i'm still waiting for berkeley, and that's it for me and the UCs.</p>
<p>i also got into usc but they didn't give me any money so i'm mad at them hahaha :P</p>
<p>i'm waiting for princeton (to please mother), yale (to please mother), duke, wellesley, dartmouth (sooooo not getting in because i made a MAJOR boo boo on my application), and of course on top of all that, uchicago! :D</p>
<p>hey lilpixytiff i just saw u in a different forum lol
hello again! :P</p>
<p>yikes a major boo boo on an app?
hahah i applied to 3 ivies too. not that i want to but my parents were like "U SHOULD JUST TRY! U NEVER KNOW!"
and they keep saying i hav a good chance of getting in. it's kind of getting to the point that it's really annoying how ignorant they are of how difficult it is to get into ivies - esp for person with my crap of stats. -_-</p>
<p>That matters little, though, because the amazing feeling of getting into one of them will wear off very quickly. The real question is whether or not you would go if you had gotten into one of them.</p>
<p>well this is me...
Grinnell , U of T and IUB Germany : early acceptance w/ merit
waiting ANXIOUSLY on:
<p>o ya U of T was honors.. i forgot</p>
<p>The only other colleges I applied to were Harvey Mudd and an instate university. I really hope Chicago can see this so they know how important their decision is.</p>
<p>I only applied to Chicago EA. That's how sure I was that I wanted to go there.</p>
<p>Duke ED- Deferred</p>
<p>SUNY Stony Brook- Accepted
Penn State- University Park- Accepted</p>
<p>MIT- Rejected
WUSTL- Waitlisted</p>
<p>Still Waiting
Notre Dame
Wake Forest
<p>MIT- Reject
Caltech - Wait Listed
UMich - Accepted, Honors
UMD - Accepted, Honors Full ride
CMU - Accepted
NYU - Accepted, Stern Scholars
UVA - Accepted, Echols Scholar
UCLA - Accepted</p>
<p>Berkeley- TBD
UPenn - Early deferred, TBD
UChicago - =]</p>
<p>The Good (accepted w/ scholarships)
Depauw, Honors program
Baldwin-Wallace, Honors program</p>
<p>The meh (accepted, no scholarships)
Carnegie Mellon</p>
<p>The ? (waiting)
<p>Accepted: Brandeis (with sexy scholarship money) and NYU, apparently</p>
<p>Waiting: Brown (deferred ED, so i could probably place that in the rejection pile - along with many of the following, really), U of Chi, Penn, Colgate, Reed, Emory, Northwestern and.................I think I might have half-applied to UT-Austin, but since I care very little about going there, eh</p>
<p>accepted: smith, bryn mawr, ucsb, tulane, st. andrew's</p>
<p>I'm guessing booptroop is a girl...Is smith still an all-girls school?</p>
<p>yikes, is it?</p>
<p>haha (GO TO HELL 10 CHARACTER RULE)</p>
<p>well, they'll be in for a bit of a surprise if i go...</p>
<p>like my haiku?</p>
<p>OH, I guessed they switched then, but to whet your juices I think it's still like 70% girls.</p>
<p>I was lucky enough to go five for five on colleges</p>
U Chicago
Wash U
U of Florida</p>
<p>I think i'm gonna go to stanford</p>