Where is my customized cover sheet?

<p>I go to the financial aid documents manager and there's nothing there. It doesn't even say I'm required to send anything even though I haven't sent my financial aid forms.</p>

<p>That’s because you’re not required to send in financial aid forms.</p>

<p>where is that?</p>

<p>but doesn’t it say in the financial aid section to fax your parent’s tax forms??</p>

<p>Did you already submit your FAFSA and CSS PROFILE?</p>



<p>The deadline for new students to submit the FAFSA and CSS/Profile was Feb 2nd, so I hope you mean that you haven’t submitted the copies of tax returns! [USC</a> Financial Aid - Applying & Receiving Financial Aid - Undergraduate - New Students](<a href=“http://www.usc.edu/admission/fa/applying_receiving/undergraduates/newstudents.html]USC”>http://www.usc.edu/admission/fa/applying_receiving/undergraduates/newstudents.html)</p>

<p>If you haven’t submitted the FAFSA and Profile, do so as quickly as possible.</p>

<p>To get your cover sheets, go to your OASIS page and click “My 2009-2010 Finacial Aid Document Status,” and then click “Browse available forms in our document library.” Click the boxes next to “2008 Tax Return-Parents” and “Tax Return, 2008-Student.” Then click “Next Step.” If you want them to email you when they receive it, enter the email address you want and click “Next.” Then click “Download/Print requested documents.”</p>

<p>If it doesn’t work, simply write up a cover sheet with your name and USC ID# on it and FAX them to (213) 821-3717.</p>

<p>alamemom thank you so much! I didn’t see those exact forms so I guess I’ll just make my own cover sheet.</p>