It’s complicated, but the reason I need to transfer from the University of Wisconsin—Madison isn’t important for the sake of the question (and there’s a text limit).
I am a rising sophomore in agricultural communications with an extensive background in farm broadcasting after this summer. Combined with my GPA, I think I could get in wherever I want to. I made a lot of great connections this summer in Wisconsin that I don’t want to leave, but there aren’t any schools in WI I want. I like big schools, and Marquette doesn’t have ag.
That being said, I’m leaning strongly towards the equine side of things. I take a chance not getting a well paying job with that, especially in journalism, but my dream is RFD TV. Horses are my passion, and in a different region, I might have a better shot. I’ve also always been enamored with Western states. My experience is totally romanticized I suppose, but I love the atmosphere. Schools I’m considering:
Purdue: top ag school in US, some questionable romantic relationship ties I’m trying not to let influence, still very impressive
Colorado State: top equine, also D1, decent rankings
Texas A&M: high rankings, D1, has equine, a little too conservative for me
University of Wyoming: smaller flagship, has equine, much cheaper
Marquette: largest WI private, keep WI connections, but no ag at all (unless I bring it)
I haven’t visited any yet, but I will soon. Just want thoughts?