Currently at East Tennessee University and wanting to go to much bigger and recognizable school primarily for business. Michigan is my dream school but not sure if it is reachable. HS grades not good and only 23 on ACT. With a near 4.0 gpa after two years, being a contracted rotc cadet, and beginning a solid business internship, what type of schools should I be looking at? Is Michigan reachable? Willing to do anything please help. Thanks!
Advice needed please anyone?
Can you afford Michigan? UTKnoxville would be the obvious place to try to step up.
I am contracted to the military so college is paid for. Transferring that contract from school to school is very doable I hear and even if it is not, I am not too worried about the money side of it. Hate UT and really looking to move further north or out west to a big school. Aside from the money aspect, what do you think?
Does anyone know if my chances are decent? Willing to do anything to get into UM.
Michigan is reachable. A question: if you were denied at Michigan, would you be happy to stay in East Tennessee University?