<p>I will be a senior next year and have a 4.0 unweighted gpa and 27 act score.</p>
<p>I will have completed the following AP classes when I graduate:</p>
<p>AP chemistry
AP biology
AP macroeconomics
AP microeconomics
AP French
AP calculus
Advanced composition
AP statistics </p>
<p>I am the president of peer leaders and DECA at my school. I am also in link crew and participated in track for two years with varsity letters for both. I have been in cross country since freshman year and have varsity letters for those three years as well. I have a part time job where I am a team leader and supervise over 30 employees. I am a mentor for big brothers big sisters, a special Olympics volunteer, a humane society volunteer and a Susan G Koleman volunteer. </p>
<p>Which of the best colleges would be in reach for me to consider applying? I am debating between a biology or business major.</p>