Chance me?

I am a senior OOS and was wondering my chances at UW Madison. 3.4 GPA weighted with an upward trend throughout high school, 3.8 GPA last year. 26 on my ACT(retook the September ACT and expecting at least a 27 or 28). 2 AP’s last year with 1 honors class, 3 AP’s this year. Extracurriculars: 3 years of Hockey, 2 years of Political Debate, 4 Years of FBLA, 3 years of stock market club and now on exec board for the stock market club, an internship with local politician during freshman year, also I have a part-time job where I work 25 hours per week. I know my GPA and test scores are not where they need to be for this to be a match school. I was just wondering how much time I should spend dreaming about being a Badger next year and how realistic it really is for me to get into UW. Any feedback would help, Thanks!

Worth applying. Be sure to talk to your parents about college finances. It is okay to have a dream school on your list but be sure to do applications then forget about colleges. Enjoy your senior year spending time on classes and activities without wasting time dreaming about college.