Where to go?

<p>I was recently accepted to Cal Poly SLO architecture, but I'm waiting to make my final decision until after I hear back from UC Berkeley and Stanford. Money aside, and assuming I even get into the other two schools, where would be the best place to go? I know SLO is traditionally ranked above Berkeley (and I've never seen Stanford ranked), but I've seen some websites rank Berkeley much higher. Perhaps if anyone has any experience with a firm (or self-practice), what school would ultimately help me most career-wise?</p>

<p>Cal Poly is a five year BArch program and very well regarded. UCBerkeley is a four year BS Arch and you will then need a MArch on top of that to become licensed. I know nothing about Stanford and arch. </p>

<p>If you haven’t, visit Cal Poly. Be sure to go when class is in session and spend lots of time in studios -they have an open door policy, if the class door is open you’re welcome to sit in.
You can check with the other schools online until you get accepted, the visit them as well.</p>