Where to list Governor's School - Activity or Honor?

DS was selected for Governor’s School of Engineering & Technology - nominated as the single applicant from his HS, and then had to submit an extensive application, and was selected as 1 of 72 participants in our state.

GSET was held virtually for 4 weeks in July. The kids participated in classes(modern physics, electrical circuit design, materials engineering, wrote a research paper, listened to guest speakers from industry, and competed in coding competitions. Full time - bout 10 hours a day, 5 days a week for the whole month.

Is this an honor(because it was selective), or an activity(more space to describe what he did)? We can’t decide!



Activity section. Unless she won an award while at GS, don’t mention it in the honor section.

you can mention the selectivity in the short description of activities. You can expound on it, if it’s that meaningful, in essays.