Where to look?

<p>Im a Junior and I need to start looking at places to tour so I can get an idea of what I like in a college...
- 3.7 GPA
- 1330/2060 SAT
- All Honors and AP
- Nothing amazing for ECs, but solid
- I am thinking about majoring in business (looking to get into the sports industry but dont want to limit myself with a Sports degree)</p>

<p>I am looking to be in:
New York
North Carolina

<p>Any of those states would work for me... also I'd like the college to have at least 1 major division 1 sport (Football, Basketball, Hockey) because I'd like to do something in the collegiate program whether it be student manager, whatever</p>

<p>Similar GPA as mines, with similar schools…</p>

<p>Universities to look at:
Michigan State University
University of Michigan- Ann Arbor
University of Wisconsin- Madison
Pennslyvania State University- University Park
University of Minnesota- Twin Cities
Purdue University
Cornell University</p>


<p>Major city schools:
New York University
Boston University

<p>Though none of these 10+ schools will be considered safeties.</p>

<p>Yeah thanks for the list.
I realize none of those schools are safeties but I think my safety is pretty locked in due to a legacy (Pitt).
You think I should look at schools like Wake or UNC or is that out of the realm of possibilities.</p>

<p>Anyone else?</p>

<p>No I think you have a chance of acceptance at those universities, though I don’t know much about southern universities… due to climate/ lack of diverse climate near by.</p>

<p>The business school at Georgetown just got a new building and has some great faculty. Yes the basketball decided to implode this year, but it is still a greater program headed by an amazing coach (JTIII). (It was supposed to be a building year anyway)</p>

<p>I made my preliminary list… If anyone would be nice enough to check it out, I posted it in the chances forum… And I will chance back.</p>