<p>Well, more guys, I'm an education major so there are hardly any guys in my classes, so that's out. And almost all of my friends I've met in my classes so I'm having a hard time figuring out where to meet people.</p>
<p>So where do you all go on/around campus and how do you meet people?</p>
<p>(Also, yes, I am a freshman if that wasn't obvious enough.)</p>
<p>Ok, so I am assuming you are a girl. (you didn’t say but implied the majority of education majors are girls) I am guessing you could hang out at the lobby of the engineering building or how about getting a group of girls to go to a few frat parties on Friday or Saturday. Most are open to girls, but invitation only to guys. I know the majority of these guys are typically drinking but there are always guys that are not drinking that are responsible for making sure the sorority girls get home safely…designated drivers…so there is always a chance on that avenue.</p>
<p>I think your best bet outside of random frat parties is joining a student club/organization or getting a part-time job or internship where there will be guys. Unless you are an amazingly social butterfly type, you need to be able to share a common goal/interest with people so you’ll be in continuous contact with them. Hence, social clubs and jobs are the best thing outside of class. But be open to talking to people anywhere cause you never know. </p>
<p>Once you meet someone, the two most important things to keep in mind:</p>
<li>Confidence is the biggest turn-on.</li>
<li>Pushiness is the biggest turn-off.</li>
<p>Good luck.</p>