Where would you apply with a 2010 in SAtT?

<p>Well, JUB is a decent college. End of Story.
If you are willing to pay, the scenario gets quite different. You are aut of the most competitive pool. You should have asked a bit earlier. CMU, Purdue, Duke, UCB,USC, Northwestern, Washington University and lots more were there for you...</p>

<p>I've applied to Purdue atleast, but that's not even that expensive compared to these 50k schools and practically every Indian I know going abroad has applied (and got in) there. Should've applied to Carnegie Mellon and UCLA/UCB :( Sheesh. I wish I had joint CC much, much earlier.</p>

<p>And yeah, USC doesn't offer aid to internationals + everyone pays the same amount there, so I don't even think an international who can pay full there will matter to them :(</p>

<p>well iv been around here for quite a while.....and frankly i never thought my chances were really that good ( and i still dont think so) UCLA UCB and CMU are really tuff to get in even for us and i know that for a fact....</p>

<p>Our stats are really similar although im not doing Ib so i guess im at a slight disadvantage....rite now my mind is totally sent on going to USC...i dun wanna get carried away with the others...hope to see you there...</p>

<p>And does anyone know what stats i mite need to get even a small scholarship at USC....i know someone who got a 2120 and 86% in 10th boards got a full scholarship there....</p>

<p>He must've done something else that was exceptional too..</p>

<p>Even I have my mind set on USC.. It's a great school and I'd love to attend there :D Lets hope for the best. I'm really disappointed after hearing all this though and always in the back of my head I'm gonna feel as though I'm wasting 50k/yr that could have possibly been better spent at a place like UCB or Duke or something.</p>

<p>yea me too.....which is why i want some monetary incentive to go there...
Although i still have a chance at Duke JHU and Emory so let's see....</p>

<p>Oh yeah, you've applied to a lot more schools than me too. Good for you. Let's hope it works out for us, one way or another :)</p>

<p>I think your stats are strong, although it would help to know more about you, e.g. EC’s and SATII scores. I looked back over the list and my estimations and here is my rationale for some of them. I have to say that your stats are strong, so I don’t think any of these schools are completely out of you reach. Don’t lose hope because of what you read on CC. I know I applied to schools WAY out of my reach. (By the way, I applied with a 2110, so some of these schools were on my radar and this is what I have heard from other people/counselors when going over my applications and from visiting/reading about schools and looking at published averages.)</p>

<p>I stand by the publics being reaches because these particular ones are very hard to get into out of state. The lower stats you see listed are usually in-state.
Berkeley/UCLA (reach)
U Mchigan Ann Arbor(econ) (reach)
U Virgina (reach)</p>

<p>Duke University(reach)
-Average SAT scores are much higher- a very selective college in general</p>

<p>I had originally placed Emory a little above JHU because anecdotally I believed it was harder to get into. After doing a little more “research”, I would put both of them as a high match/low reach. I have heard that around a 2100 and around a 3.8 will usually do it for Emory, so you’re pretty close.
Emory University (low reach)
JHU (low reach)</p>

<p>Okay, so my bad on BC. I don't know what I was thinking- it was quite late- maybe that was it.
BC (match)
-lowest SAT averages out of all the schools you listed- definitely could go either way</p>

<p>New York University(econ) (match))
- I didn’t realize you meant Stern, I assumed you meant CAS. I don’t know much about Stern’s stats, but for the university in general you would be a match. NYU has a lower average GPA and your SAT scores seem to be in the middle of their published averages, so I think it could go either way. Your EC’s will also be very important here (especially community service).</p>

<p>Georgetown University (reach
- Still going with a reach on Georgetown, although it would help to know your SATII scores. Georgetown has a lower percent admit rate than Emory and JHU, but it tends to have similar SAT ranges. (community service/involvement will be important here as well) I’ve also been told (although I am not sure if it’s true) that Georgetown will take a closer look at AP scores than some of the other universities. </p>

<p>I can’t say anything about SCU because I don’t know anything about it.
Good luck! I hope you get in where you want to go.</p>

<p>having the $ is much help in your admission! believe me money talks!</p>

<p>Depending upon the breakdown of the 2010 SAT I score, the OP might have a competitive chance at gaining admission to all of his selected schools. Regarding the counselor's opinion that the OP has no chance for admission to Cornell or to any other Ivy, that may be due in large part to a cultural difference as many countries admit students based almost exclusively on numbers alone. The application and admissions process in the US is much more holistic than most foreign systems. What is the breakdown of your SAT I scores for math and for critical reading?</p>

<p>apply where you want to go.</p>

<p>^^ ok i mentioned my breakup earlier but here goes....680 CR 670 Math 700 Writing</p>

<p>And S33d...all international students applying for admission to USC cant ask for financial aid but i know for a fact that international students have a 51% admit rate...so yeah its gets a whole lot easier for us....</p>

<p>icy9ff8, my counselor speacialises in american college admission so of course he does know that its way more holistic there. It did bum me out at first but then he started suggesting colleges like University of San Francisco and Syracuse so i realised hes a jerk and im better of not lisenin to him....boy what a waste of 700 rupees</p>

<p>51%.. thats nice :)</p>

<p>That's very nice! :D I reckon you have a good shot there, in that case!</p>