<p>I currently enrolled in 6 APs (5 a semester) and I'm having a hard time determining which exams I should take. The exams are:</p>
<p>AP Calc AB
AP Physics C (mechanics)
AP macroeconomics
AP US Gov.
AP Art History
AP English Literature</p>
<p>The schools I applied to are UCR, UCI, UCSB, UCSD, UCD and USC. I notice that the UCs take a lot of AP credits while USC only takes some for electives and some for GE. Can someone explain this to me? It's confusing me...</p>
<p>Lastly my last question how do I know how much to handle? I don't want to take on too much and fail every exam. It's hard for me to appoximate how much I can handle because last year I was hospitalized and missed 2 weeks of school right before my 2 AP exams. I ended up getting 2's on both of them.</p>
<p>If any of you have any advice on what I should do about these AP exams I would truly appreciate it. Thanks in advance.</p>
<p>Take all of them. 6 AP’s is perfectly manageable; I took 8 AP Exams on my senior year (2 of them self studied) and I passed all of them (except physics c, but that was because our teacher was a complete and utter idiot).</p>
<p>I don’t see how you can get 2’s on your AP Exams due to being hospitalized for 2 weeks, unless your performance was very close to low 3’s already.</p>
<p>You shouldn’t stretch your limit. Achieving your goals is so much harder than just declaring them. You should of course take as many as you can handle, but realize that several of the ones you listed are among the most time-consuming aps offered.</p>
<p>You should just take the tests that your college gives credit for. Really assess what subjects you think you can accel in and factor in what you are planning to study in college. The ap tests are expensive and you shoudl only pay for tests that you can do well in and colleges will consider.</p>
<p>I took the macroeconomics test last year and it was HARD. I dont know if i would recommend taking it. </p>
<p>Unless you are really good at English, it is pretty hard to do well on that exam. Also, most colleges still require you to take an expository writing class so i dont know if taking it is worth it. I’m still debating whether i should take it myself. </p>
<p>Calculus AB- some colleges are not giving credit for the AB test but only the BC. But you really have to see what your college will take. </p>
<p>I can’t really provide any advice for art history, physics, or gov. sorry.</p>
<p>It’s hard for me to figure out what I can handle. I’m doing fine in all the classes I probably ended up with all A’s except 1 or 2 B’s. </p>
<p>As far as I know my english and Gov. teachers have a 70 percent pass rate. My physics teacher has a 96 percent pass rate. As for my Calc teacher I’m not sure but I know that it is pretty high. </p>
<p>My physics teacher also starts teaching the BC section after school starting in Feb. Should I try that? Would I have anything to lose?</p>
<p>Keep the advice coming. I’m feeling pretty overwhelmed. :(</p>
<p>I would have to say to take them all because actually in my high school, every student involved in an AP class HAS TO take the AP test for it. There were a lot of seniors that were dropping out of APs as soon as they sent their information to colleges. I would say to try them all because if you don’t pass, then just move on and don’t send that score.</p>