Which are the Best Dorms 4 Berkeley

<p>Ok I have preety much checked out the dorms for my other colleges but I don’t know anything about the Berkeley dorms. I need to feel comfy in a dorm or else I won’t get much studying. Does anyone know anything about the Berkeley Dorms.</p>

<p>unit 3, unit 1, foothill</p>

<p>i noticed by going to the uc berkeley website that there are hardly any single rooms. nooooo</p>

<p>Yeah its pretty much impossible to get a single room unless you have a medical reason. And even then, its hard. Berkeley is well known for its housing shortages.</p>

<p>Clark Kerr is nice, but I actually liked the Units (Unit 2) better. More communal feeling -- I need camaraderie/friendship and that type of stuff otherwise I go nuts pretty quick. social me!</p>

<p>It depends on what you want. The foothill dorms on north side tend to be quieter and thus may be better for studying. If you want a more social atmosphere you probably want a dorm on south side, one of the units. The food is also better on south side. If you want a party dorm, definitely go for Unit 3.</p>

<p>I live in foothill right now and it sucks if you are somewhat of a social person. I seriously haven't seen one of suitemates in about a month because he locks himself in his room and has a big sign on his door saying don't knock. The only people I really get a chance to talk to are my roomate and some of the RA's. Maybe my suite is an exception, but I think that the units or even clark kerr have a better atmosphere if you want to have the small community feeling. Foothill also has one of the worst rated dining halls here, so I usually end up walking to southside (where all the units are located) to have a decent meal at another dining hall called Crossroads.</p>

<p>If you want to make the best out of your first year in college go for the Units. If you are having trouble deciding between the three units, go for Unit 1 or 2, they are almost identical. They have better food, just finished construction so you have new buildings with an exercise room, computer lab, and nice central quad. Unit 3 is a bit more run down and has a suckier dining common. Clark Kerr is a bit far from campus (20 mins walking) and foothill is boring and quiet with all those engineering majors. I have a double right now in the units and its a good amount of space, and triples arent bad at all, u save a lot of money that way. If your having trouble deciding if berkeley is for you....just go for it, especially if you are from socal. Moving away for college was the best thing I did (and everythings fine at home too). It gives u time to find yourself and mature. Berkeley is such an amazing place, everyday is different. This year has been the best for me. Go bears!</p>

<p>hmmm...I'm thinking I am going to need to visit again to see the living situations...most of the posts here are the same as what some students told me at my R&C's scholarship interview. I figure that I want a fairly social dorm [not crrrazy, but not dull], (your situation certainly does not appeal to me FinalGear, lol)...after all, I figure I can always go to the library to study!<br>
~any suggestions/personal anecdotes truly appreciated :)</p>

<p>bump..... yeah</p>

<p>What do ppl suggest if you want a quiet place to study and suitemates who are not into illegal substances? Is the substance-free dorm OK?</p>

<p>Substance-free dorm (Freeborn Unit 1, if I'm not mistaken), is great. The people there are quirky, but fun. I don't think it's the absolute best place to be studying, though. Foothill would be best for that.</p>

<p>Are the 4 bedroom suites crowded in Foothill? Online it looks quite spacious.</p>

<p>And how is Bowles? It looks really cool, but is it horrible?</p>

<p>I live in a 5-bedroom suite. Not crowded at all. Very spacious, and more often than not, very quiet. You won't hear me complaining. The only possible problem I have is the fact that it's on Northside, while everything else in on Southside.</p>

<p>How is unit 2?</p>

<p>do we get to pick our dorms (whatever we choose is garunteed)? or is it a lottery?</p>

<p>moreforyour$: Unit 2 is nice...Units 1 and 2 just finished remodeling and they have a great courtyard in the middle, as well as a pretty comprehensive cluster of rooms underground (comp. center, exercise room, rec room, etc). Unit 2 is a block further away from campus than Unit 1, although it's the same distance from the Crossroads DC. Personally, I would pick Unit 1 over 2, but that's just me.</p>

<p>Undecided87: you can list your preferences, but there is no definite way of getting your first choice. I got my first choice, as did most of my friends, if that's any indicator, but I hear there are some who got slapped with a random dorm (rare case). I wouldn't worry too much about it.</p>

<p>hey pookdogg, i got slapped with a random dorm..................clark kerr....it was sorta good, i mean 23 girls and 9 guys.........fun fun</p>

<p>Heh... I'm not much of a party guy. I'm leaning toward foothill right now from these posts. Do they have a gym nearby?</p>

<p>foothill is one of the more expensive dorms, and not really, you gotta go to RSF, that is on the south side of campus, foothill is on the north-east side of campus</p>