Which category

<p>Im half dominican and half Puertorican (both my parents immigrated to the US) and ive noticed that when i took the PSAT, so i am assuming it is on the SAT and on college applications, that there are seperate hispanic categories such as Mexican,Puertorican, or other Hispanic. I dont know whether i should put Puertorican or "other hispanic" since i am also half dominican. Ill say i relate to both heritages equally so i dont know which to pick. I believe last year i picked other hispanic on the PSAT and this year i put Puertorican. Its not a huge deal or anything, but its just been on my mind for a while.</p>

<p>If the SAT is like the CA and lets you put down "all that apply", I'd recommend marking both PR and Other Hispanic (DR). If you only have the choice of one answer, then you might want to consider putting PR as the Hispanic groups that are the most under-represented in higher education in the US are Chicanos and PRs.</p>