which cell phone provider is the most popular?

<p>which is the most popular cell phone provider at NU, or among the college students in Boston?</p>

<p>I’d say probably Verizon. Complete guess though.</p>

<p>Out of my friends, it’s split between Verizon and AT&T (cause of the iPhone).</p>

<p>Yeah I was going to say the iPhone is pretty decently represented at Northeastern and thus AT&T as well. (Hopefully it’ll be coming to Verizon soon though :)) If you can afford it, I would definitely recommend having some sort of smart phone.</p>

<p>As for service, I’m pretty sure I had pretty good service all around campus-- except for in IV (dorm, classrooms, dining hall…) (but I don’t think many people had great service in IV).</p>

<p>thanks, i see…and do you also know what students pay for their cell phone plan each month in average?</p>

<p>I would assume they would pay about the same price as everyone else.</p>

<p>@ Wiseguy</p>

<p>Well, that doesn’t really help seeing as his/her screen name is “Internationalstu” - how would he/she know?</p>

<p>Well, the iPhone is 60$ per month on AT&T but, you can have various contracts on many providers and the price will vary depending on how many minutes you want/how many messages you want/if you want data etc.- </p>

<p>Look around on AT&T ([AT&T</a> | Cell Phones, U-verse, Digital TV, DSL Internet, and Phone Service](<a href=“http://www.att.com%5DAT&T”>http://www.att.com)), T-Mobile ([Unsupported</a> Browser](<a href=“http://www.t-mobile.com%5DUnsupported”>http://www.t-mobile.com)), Now, Verizon and Sprint won’t always work outside of the US as they have different frequencies, so you’ll have to look into that at one of their stores.</p>

<p>Oh, and AT&T does a special student deal, where you get 15% off each item you select (450 minutes on the iPhone = 85% of regular, etc-.)</p>

<p>so…most students pay around 60$ each month for their phone bills?</p>

<p>Any more feedback on IV and Verizon? That’s son’s combo.</p>

<p>darn there’s bad service in IV? thats where i’ll be living. Is it cant make a call/recieve texts bad or just below full bars bad? (i had full around the campus when i visited, forgot to check in IV)</p>

<p>Service in the dining hall was pretty iffy. In my dorm, I had to sit on a certain part of my bed in order to have service to make a call/send texts. It’s not that the service was nonexistent or anything, just a bit frustrating at some times.</p>

<p>Service is good on campus except in some buildings, basements, and the dining hall in random areas. It’s not enough to get one service over another because it’s more about the building setup and materials than it is tower. Anywhere in Boston gets good service with almost every provider.</p>

<p>Average prices are iffy because a lot of students are still on family plans with their parents, so it entirely depends on them. I think my parents pay around 30 a month for my phone itself, but I’m pretty sure it’s very very discounted because my parents both have very expensive smart phone plans.</p>

<p>Verizon is very popular, same as AT&T (for the iphone). Blackberries and iphones are definitely ubiquitous - it was evident at orientation alone! You can look into single plans at verizonwireless.com or att.com I know my friend just got an iphone, unlimited text, 600 minutes, and i forget how much data but it runs her $65 a month… I can see from [Mobile</a> Service Plans: Verizon Wireless](<a href=“http://www.verizonwireless.com/b2c/splash/plansingleline.jsp]Mobile”>Unlimited Data, Connected Device and Family Wireless Plans) that 450 minutes and unlimited texting for an individual plan is 60.</p>