which class to sign up for first?

<p>my schedule for spring 2008 is:
italian 1 (5)
comp lit r1b (4)
film 25b (4)
theater 25ac (4)
theater 26 (3)</p>

<p>which classes should i sign up for in phase 1 due to how quickly the classes fil up.?

<p>R&C classes fill out the quickest, so you usually would sign up for that first. Then sign up for the language class, they usually fill out fast also, but I'm not sure about Italian in particular.</p>

<p>im wondering about mine too. im taking
math 53
cs 61a
english r1b</p>

<p>How fast would Chinese fill up?</p>

<p>I have the same question, my appointment is not until the very end :\
how fast does Spanish 1 fill up?
I don't want to end up taking an 8 am class everyday...</p>

<p>Depends on the particular Chinese class you want, but they all fill up pretty fast. The Chinese 1/10/100BX classes are the most popular.. you'll definitely wanna Phase 1 these or else risk getting a bad time (like 8am) or not even getting in at all. 1BY and 1/10/100B are rather popular as well.. you might want to Phase 1 these as well.</p>

<p>Don't know much about the other language classes, but I'd imagine that they fill up fast as well. Most language classes have small enrollment sizes and are rather popular.</p>

<p>what about...
math 1b
stat 21
anthro 2ac
nutri sci 10
math 16b (will drop if math 1b doesn't kick my ass too much)</p>

<p>me too. :)</p>

<p>Math 54
Physics 7A
Engineering 7
Public Health 114</p>

<p>AcidAlice: everyone on the waitlist got into anthro 2ac this semester.</p>

<p>IB c185 (Human Paleontology, 5 units) (I was told by the professor to take it this semester)
Chem 1A (4 units)
IB 24 (1 unit)
Bio 1B (4 units)
Classics 10B (4 units)
17 units of class and 1 unit of seminar</p>

<p>Phase 1: ?
Phase 2: 11/26 11:30 AM</p>

<p>i know most of you are math/science majors but for more humanities related classes:</p>

<p>peis 100 or 101
chinese 1b
stat 2, 20, or 21</p>

<p>any recommendations which to tackle first?</p>