Which classes Should I take Junior Year?

I want to go to University of Washington at Seattle and Major in Biology which list of classes should I take?

  1. Human anatomy, AP seminar, AP english, Ap enviornmental, Ap US, Tech class, trig/precal.
  2. Human anatomy, Spanish 3, AP english, AP biology, AP US, Techclass, trig/precal.

I can always take the other classes senior year.

Second option. AP Bio will do a good job of setting you up for a basic Biology class in college, which you will need to take if you want to major in Biology. (You can even get credit to skip the class!) Also it’s a bad idea to drop the foreign language.

Schedule number twobia better because you have AP biology and foreign language (a core classnfor 4-year universities).

Have you taken a ll three of bio, chem physics at any level?