Which colleges?

<p>I posted the following in 'What are my chances?'</p>



<p>I was told that I had a better chance of getting financial aid/scholarships at better schools.</p>

<p>Can anyone point out some schools which school would be suitable to my needs/preferences?
- should be a school that generously gives financial aid to Internationals
- should be a school that is in or near to these states: NY, PA or NJ.
- should be a school that would admit me with SAT I scores alone
- what if I took 2 SAT II tests... what would be my chances now?</p>

<p>I am sorry for asking so many questions but I was told something about my chances before coming to CC and now I am hearing a totally different story... Thanks!</p>



<p>You might look here: [Schools</a> Awarding International Financial Aid](<a href=“http://www.internationalstudent.com/schools_awarding_aid/]Schools”>Schools Awarding International Financial Aid)
I don’t know anything about the web site but it seems to have some good info.</p>

<p>You’ll have to limit your applications to the few schools that offer aid to Internationals (most do not). And of the few that do, some require SAT IIs (like the ivies).</p>

<p>First get that list and then narrow down.</p>