Which field of study are you most likely to pursue?

<p>Which field of study are you most likely to pursue?</p>

<p>there are seven categories in the application:
1) social science
2) humanities
3) biological science
4) physical science
5) Engineering
6) Mathematics
7) Computer science</p>

<p>So if I want to do architecture, the best field'd be engineering? or does it really matter..? there isnt really an exclusive architecture program in undergraduate college...</p>

<p>but, isnt it too hard to get in if I choose that....? since a lotttt of competitive ppl are trying to do engineering for their major. </p>

<p>I need help xp</p>

<p>That's funny, I don't remember that vague a question on the application. I thought they specified explicit concentrations. Hmm, anyway, I'd imagine it's either 2 or 5, but.....that's very interesting......anyway, just specify architecture at some point in the app (I find it hard to believe they don't ask you anywhere about proposed concentration), and you don't have to worry about competing with the engineering crowd ;)</p>