Which grad school?

<p>Hello..I got a 1400 in my GRE. I am an electronics and communication engineer from Visvesvaraya Technological University (India).I have a percentag of 79 in my undergraduate studies.
I have some research experience.I worked in the National Institute Of oceanography where I completed a dissertation in my second year..I worked in the Indian Institute of Sciences during summer in my third year and was able to come out with a paper. I did my final year project in the defence research and development organisation..I also did my final year summer research there....I have written 5 papers...I have 6 publications.....I have won the best outgoing student award from my college....I am quite good at programming....I have conducted 2 seminars in my college....I have attended quite a few seminars...workshops etc.....
I have submitted one of my projects for a patent( not patented yet)
I love computer programming...and have written a few free wares (few are available in mozilla.com)
I have a brown belt in karate...and have been to quite a few tournaments..( I have never won lol)..I am also one of the editors of my college magazine....
I am also a student member of IEEE...</p>

<p>What grad schools should i try for???
I am interested in communication (all my research papers are based on communication except one which is for VLSI)
I will be needing financial assistance....:(</p>

<p>There is a grad school forum on this site that you should be posting to. You are posting in an undergrad forum. It may get moved by a moderator.</p>