Which Group 3 Subjects?

I can only take 2 group 3 subjects and I’m really confused between History, Philosophy, Global Politics and Economics. I’m planning to take two of them HL with bio, and english (lit probably), spanish B and math analysis SL. I took history and economics at GCSE, and I really enjoyed them. I did quite well as well - I got consistent A*s. In the future I want to study international relations, politics and law (probably postgrad). I was wondering what the best combination would be which would “look the best” and also not be impossible to get good grades in. I’m not great at math (which is why i was skeptical about , but econs), but I haven’t gotten lower than a A in GCSE extended math (with a lot of work).I wanted to take philosophy as I’m really interested in it, but it’s a new course so I’m a bit nervous. I also love history, and really want to take it. Thanks!

I’d go with History and Philosophy. Both are known to be very rigorous. Why not English Literature HL too?
Then Bio (or ESS), Math AA, and Spanish at SL. :slight_smile:
(I’d recommend taking the Spanish subject test at the end of junior year since you’d likely get a pretty high score).

For me, Economics works best, if the candidate has remote interest in it… Even at the HL level, the grade boundary is flexible, the content is very logical, but also can be memorized (something for everyone)… and there are many tricks on just structuring thoughts on paper that make learning it more enjoyable, and scoring in it more methodical, easier, and understandable.

That was the majority in my school’s experience though.