Which is the prettiest/most beautiful UC Campus?

<p>UC SANTA CRUZ IS TOP10 MOST BEAUTIFUL CAMPUS NATION WIDE........read that in a newspaper or some sort....</p>

<p>check out UC SANTA CRUZ................it has deers on campus in a forest</p>

<p>My favorite campus is Cal... really awesome. Definite awesome history vibe there. Beautiful! UCSD is my second as i enjoy the engineering plaza-ey thing with it's very clean and pretty modern architecture. Wee eucalyptus</p>

<p>Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I Think the UCLA campus is wonderful, and there is nothing to compare to walking to the clock tower at Cal and turning to see the San Francisco Bay framed by two rows of attractive buildings. Santa Cruz has diversity of sunny fields overlooking the ocean and dark tall forests. UC San Diego is a bit sterile for me but does have some good ocean views and while I don't like the mix of buildings there are some interesting and attractive architectural efforts on campus. I will also say that Davis when you consider the spacious quads filled with active students and the town which is quite wonderful also could be a candidate for this category, plus it was the largest campus before the environment got a kick in the teeth by the Merced Campus.</p>

<p>UCSD all the waaaayY (im not sure about the people though:( )</p>

<p>Some great pictures of UCLA can be found here: <a href="http://siggy.chem.ucla.edu/Visit_UCLA/Visit_UCLA.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://siggy.chem.ucla.edu/Visit_UCLA/Visit_UCLA.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>mm red brick</p>

<p>UCSD all the way.</p>

<p>San Diego's my home. I've seen the world, and I pity the poor bastards that live anywhere else. Just can't beat the hometown pride.</p>

<p>Check out these pics of Cal.</p>

<p><a href="http://flickr.com/photos/16855111@N00/48936912/%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://flickr.com/photos/16855111@N00/48936912/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Ahhh!!! Necroposting!!!</p>

<p>Don't</a> mess with the dead!</p>

<p>I’m from China and has been studying in New Zealand. I visited Cal and then UCLA. Next might be UCSD.
But seriously, Cal? With all the homeless people, trash on the ground and grey concrete buildings? That does not look like a university to me. Then i went to UCLA and got totally amazed. Great architecture and really good student community. And it is much cleaner. UCLA looks more like a university to my international standard.</p>

<p>I think the view from the bottom of the Janss steps is the prettiest part of the UCLA campus. Like, if you’re looking up the steps but 100 feet away. Very pretty.</p>

<p>Though, from pictures, I’d reckon UCSC is the nicest campus. I also loved Berkeley’s campus. Seems like pretty much every UC campus is cool in its own way (except UC Riverside, which I truly felt was a lame/boring campus).</p>

<p>santa barbara is the best looking campus imo. Part of the campus is actually the beach. </p>

<p><a href=“http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c0/UCSB_06.JPG/800px-UCSB_06.JPG[/url]”>http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c0/UCSB_06.JPG/800px-UCSB_06.JPG&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I can only speak for the UC’s I’ve seen.</p>

<p>Berkley was really nice, sort of traditional looking. </p>

<p>UCR was really cool. I liked that it was small and sort of tucked away. It was a bit more “yellow” (not Asian, like literally yellow). There’s not a lot of…plants? I want to say…a lot of dirt. </p>

<p>I’m at UCI so its hard to contain any bias. It’s a really small and nice campus. Really clean and lots of greenery. </p>

<p>I dunno about UCSD. Maybe I only saw wrong places…but it seemed death ugly to me. Really deserted. Lots of hills with dead grass and such. The beach that was near UCSD was amazing though. The only cool part about the school was the library that looked like it came straight out of a sci fi film or something. </p>

<p>Just visit them yourself cause no one can really say if you’ll think they’re nice looking or not.</p>

<p>It’s now six years since the last post has been made on this thread. So I think i’ll give it a little update:</p>

<p>"Mr.B: I like Davis because of the large quads and some of the interesting buildings, and the attractive small stream. I do wish they would clean up some of the scruffy 1960’s style thought and soul-less buildings. "</p>

<p>“1960’s”? and “soul-less”? last time i visited Davis, (two days ago), all the buildings were very modern and beautiful. What features in Davis makes it look like the “1960’s”. I’m not trying to defend UC Davis, or trying to argue, but I’m just curious what features the 1960’s buildings have, as I am not at all familiar with architecture. </p>

<p>I would have to vote that UCD is the most beautiful campus. I’m not into the traditional-ivy-league-church-school style; I like modern. I guess this has much to do with religion too. I’m no longer religious, and i used to like the traditional church school designs. In the past, i would say UCLA would be most beautiful and then UCB and then UCI or something. BUt as of today, when I am no longer religious, i like UCD best: beautiful buildings, lots of trees and fresh, green grass,MODERN, humorous sculptures, bikes, spacious, and friendly people everywhere.</p>

<p>^ I have to agree. I visited Davis a few weeks ago. Davis is beautiful. Have you seen the Shields library? I haven’t visited all of the UC campuses, so I can’t say it’s the best, but out of what I’ve seen, I’d most want to study there.</p>

<p>Cal - tradition but dirty
LA - smaller and packed with great architecture.
Davis- beautiful scenery, green, and traditional.
SB- has their own beach, but IV is messy.
Irvine- it’s clean…
SC- very nice atmosphere with the woods and the feels very nice
Riverside- Um… it’s a bit dead?
Merced- Not the best neighborhood :o</p>

<p>I think UC Santa Cruz was really nice. It’s basically in a forest!! Huge trees all around! It’s like a camp school XD I remember seeing some random deer eating grass as i was on the walking tour lolol. </p>

<p>I also like UC Davis’s campus. I haven’t visited other campuses.</p>

<p>i’ve seen every campus except merced, and i have to say that–overall–davis is the best looking. santa cruz is a very close second (they both have such beautiful trees!!), but what pulls davis ahead of sta. cruz is that the trees at ucsc almost overshadow the actual campus. at davis, the trees accentuate the buildings/campus more, rather than swallowing it up. and yes, the shields library is very nice.</p>

<p>as to ucla: the architecture there doesn’t match the city of los angeles (or the southern california region). it needs much more spanish/mexican tile and overall building design. the campus has an east coast style in a southern california setting. it doesn’t make aesthetic sense.</p>

<p>and come on people, berkeley is in no way an attractive campus. this isn’t a bash of berkeley, but to claim that that campus is “beautiful” is a huuuuge stretch. it isn’t ‘ugly’, but there’s nothing about it that appeals to the eye.</p>

<p>UCSC is simply amazing.</p>

<p>i think there should be a uc baja california (ucbc). the beautiful beaches of baja combined with spanish/moorish/arab architecture would make for one beautiful campus! have to open up those borders though…</p>