Which Major for undergrad (I hear the common econ/acct/finan/business admin) crap?

<p>I've heard that "norm" business majors such as Economics, Finance, Business Administration, Accounting, etc are useless for getting jobs out of Undergrad and don't really help in Business School admissions...keep in mind I heard this here in a recent thread.</p>

<p>I'm going to CC for two years (Business Administration) and then transferring to a state school to finish in Finance.</p>

<p>But apparently these are useless, so what does CC recommend to a 1st generation minority low income student?</p>

<p>What I love to do is invest, I wanna do some kind of investing or financial management/advising/analysis.</p>

<p>Sciences/mathematics/economics are your safest majors for ensuring a job after graduation. But the majors you listed in the thread title are extremely well-recruited at top programs, so I’d also think about transferring to one of them.</p>

<p>I think accounting and finance are safer at most universities that offer them.</p>

<p>As for your intended career path, it is in finance, so that seems like the most obvious choice. Economics is basically turning finance into a social science and you will likely still end up taking something with finance in the name, so it is close as well. Accounting shows merit in that it is said to be the “language of business” that is supposed to open any door finance or economics can (though I don’t exactly know how you would stack up against a finance major at an equally good program for those opportunities). Business Administration is usually the type of degree you get when you major in finance or accounting (for example, you can earn a BBA in finance).</p>

<p>I have heard the same about these majors too. These majors are very good for finding job after a master’s degree and NOT under grad… However, you could still major in them and find entry level positions.The top jobs prefer master’s though.</p>

<p>Sure, you will see people with different degrees in different fields but that is only a small number. If I have two candidates. Both are equally qualified. Both have the same GPA right out of college and one is a Liberal Arts major while the other is a Finance major and I run a financial firm, its obvious who I will select. </p>

<p>In most cases, people who work in Finance will typically have a Finance degree. People who work in accounting will have a accounting degree.</p>

<p>Also most people don’t get their masters in Finance or masters in Business. People go for their MBA after gaining some experience. You can get a “Top Job” if you have a high GPA and good work experience after finishing your undergrad.</p>