<p>What did you take last year? If you haven't taken precalculus (or trigonometry) yet you should probably take college algebra (I think that's equivalent to trig...or Algebra II, I forget which one). You pretty much need trig for calculus.</p>
<p>If you don't like math, expect a lot of day thinking "why am I doing this? what's the point of learning math?" in your AP calc class or while you're doing homework for that class. This is happening to somekids who are in my AP calc since they only signed up for this class just for the sake of IB Diploma or to impress colleges.</p>
<p>But since you're thinking about premed, you definately want to consider taking AP calc. Does your school offer AB, BC, or both? If you have a choice, you can take the AB since it's not as hard as BC. If you're a "mediocre math student," you'd probably have a hard time in BC, but I think you'd still do fine in AB.</p>
<p>And you definately need to have taken precalc (or trig, or elementary function) in order to survive calc.</p>
<p>well, i am in trig right now and I took algebra 3 last semester so... I guess I should take calc. <em>a tear falls slow down his right cheek</em>( just kidding)</p>
<p>I'm assuming you took precalc, and if thats true taking college algebra would be useless because its the same as the 1st half of precalc (verticle/horizontal asymptotes, logarithims, etc.), and furthermore if you're going premed it would be very foolish to pass up the AP calc (it will be easier in HS rather than college).</p>