Which of these schools would be the best for nursing?

<p>I'm a Virginia resident and have planned to stay in-state for undergraduate school. I am now a senior in high school. (YAY!) I'm pretty sure that I will get a BSN, so which of these schools will be the best for nursing? I plan on getting an advanced degree after a few years of work experience. (Either NP or PA. I know I would need to take some more classes to satisfy the prerequisites for a PA program) But here are the choices of universities that I have narrowed my selection down to: VCU (Virginia Commonwealth University), GMU (George Mason University), or JMU (James Madison University)? Any opinions? Thanks so much!</p>

<p>Anyone have any opinions?</p>

<p>All three of them have well respected Schools of Nursing. However, I hope you are aware that none of them are direct entry. You have to apply initially for regular admission to the college and then later, usually the end of your freshman year or in your sophomore year (depending on the School) you must apply again internally for admission/transfer to the Nursing School at the college. This is a competitive process and not all students who apply are accepted. So there is some element of risk here. If you have confidence in your abilities to do well then this should not be a problem but I just thought you should be aware of it. Best wishes to you as you pursue a Nursing career. You need to visit all three colleges and try to get a sense of where you best “fit in”.</p>

<p>Apply to all of them to keep your options open. If you get into all, you can go to accepted student events and find out in detail which you like best. Usually accepted student events are much more informative and customized than the regular admissions events.</p>

<p>If you have any chance of getting admitted, I’d also apply to UVa. It is direct entry, and they are supposed to have a great program. They also have a brand new nursing building and huge hospital right next door (vs. having to travel long distances to clinicals if you go to college in a town without a large hospital).</p>