<p>I'm applying to SEAS and I don't know which 2 SATII scores to put on application.</p>
<p>Chemistry: 790
Math I:780
Math II: 730</p>
<p>I'm putting chem, just wondering if it would be better to put Math I or II. I know its not a huge deal, but would appreciate help.</p>
<p>Math I…you got a 780…</p>
<p>wont they get them all? theyll look at top 2 anyway so math1</p>
<p>Im sure they get them all, but on app it asks for 2. Thanks for your help guys.</p>
<p>definitely math one. the curve on math ii is rediculously; if you still got a 730, that means you got alot wrong</p>
<p>hey 730 is a pretty decent score… nothing “ridiculous” about that.</p>
<p>you can omit around 8 and still get an 800. a 730 means you got about 1/5 of the test wrong. if i remember correctly, there’s 50 questions</p>
<p>True: you need a raw score of 36/50 to earn a 730.</p>
<p>The raw score required for a 780 on Math I, however, is an impressive 49/50.</p>
<p>The math level 2 test is harder so i don’t think it will look bad, but since you did well on level 1 just go with that.</p>
<p>put math 2 … for a SEAS applicant to put math 1 scores doesn’t really make sense</p>