which university should I go for CS?

I got accepted undelcared at UCSD and accepted into CS at University of Maryland.
It seems very hard to change my major into CS at UCSD…
Is Maryland’s CS program good?

Maryland is a highly respected school for CS.

Yes, Maryland is fine. Since, in all likelihood, you will not be able to major in CS at UCSD, Maryland is the obvious choice if it is affordable. (If Maryland is not affordable, do you have any affordable choices where you are in the CS major or can get into the CS major relatively easily?)

@ucbalumnus I am an international student currently in a california high school…
Tuition isn’t a problem for me…
I am pretty sad after going through this collage application process
1450SAT 106tofel 4.24/4.0 GPA…
I applied to serval schools but only accepted into CS by UMd