Which UPitt Campuses are good?

Besides UPitt Pittsburgh campus is a great location and absolutely love it.
which other campuses are good for Business - accounting? Johnstown or Greenburg?

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Greenburg is only a minor. Johnstown a major.

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Johnstown but it’s all commuter.
There’s talk of cutting the branches to reduce costs but I think Jonstown is ok.
Another branch campus, PSU Greater Allegheny, has dorms but is very small; it does offer Business, Supply Chain Management, and a few other degrees (or you can transfer to Main Campus if you have the grades in pre-reqs and they don’t offer the degree you want).

Is there a particular reason why a branch campus instead of main?

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Can’t find the thread but if I remember correct (I can’t look up under OPs name), he asked on a different thread about chances of admission and it was a reach (IMHO) if this is the person I think.

found it

Chance UPITT - Chance Me / Match Me! - College Confidential Forums

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Go to CCAC for 60 credits. Maintain a 3.0 GPA and transfer to Pitt main business as a junior. Look at the articulation agreement. It’s an option.

If you’re looking for accounting, I would choose Johnstown rather than Greensburg. According to the site below, these were the CPA passage rates for the UPitt schools:

Greensburg: 21.7%
Johnstown: 64.3%
Main Campus: 61%

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