Which would you do? (Student Government issue)

So recently I was confronted with a conflict. Basically, I am a Junior in High School and am having problem with a decision. I am torn between two things: Running for State President, or Running for Executive board President for my High School.</p>

<p>I am faced with this problem because on the state level, I know much less about what the job entails, there are some people out there that are much more involved in the program as well, so I would just feel out of place. Furthermore, I don't really enjoy the advisors. On the other hand, it's a great opportunity, would look amazing on college apps and I am sure I would learn to love the job.</p>

<p>On the other hand, I have always wanted to be President of Executive Board for my high school. Although it is a step down from State President, I know a lot more about my school and know all the people in the Student Government. My adviser is amazing and I love everything about my Student Government. On the state level, I know very little and am unsure if I will actually like what I would be doing.</p>

<p>My adviser nominated me for State President, applications are due Monday, so I need a decision almost immediately. I already told him I would do it, so I would feel very bad turning him down and saying I wouldn't like to do it, if that is my decision, because he already told everyone I was running. I would feel as though I would be tarnishing his image, although I doubt I would be doing so what-so-ever.</p>

<p>So, I am torn between the two positions, I can't have them both. What would you do? I would like the Executive Position more than the State President Position, I think, but am not positive. With State President comes benefits, whereas in Exec-Board the benefits aren't as strong.</p>

<p>If I do decide to go for Exec Board, how do I go about telling my adviser who has already told everyone that I will be running.</p>

<p>I am confused on what I should do and which decision would be best for me, and I need an outside perspective. Your help would be greatly appreciated!</p>

<p>Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>EDIT: For the purpose of this thread, let's not worry about me winning. I believe I have a fairly good shot at State and a guaranteed in for President of Exec Board.</p>

<p>Coming from a Student Government President (high-school, we don’t have really a state organization here), I’d say run for state board.</p>

<p>Being on the state-level for something (I have been in that and national for other organizations) is an unbelievable experience and change that not only broadens your immediate experience and perspective, but also helps you a lot in learning how to work with people who are geographically diverse and such. It’s interesting, fun, and an oppurtunity that few and that should be used.</p>

<p>I love my school and love serving it, but I wish my state had a state SG as well, or even a county SG or anything. Well, there’s always college.</p>

<p>Don’t worry about initially not knowing what you’ll be doing. If elected, it’ll just be a 5 minute explanation or such of your duties and you’ll be set to get to work.</p>